Chapter 187 Both?
Thinking of meeting Fang Haoli after school today, Li Mengyao gritted her teeth and went to school with her dizzy head.

When Luo Ziqing saw her like this, she was shocked: "Mengyao? What's the matter with you? Why do you look like this? Could it be because you were too excited to sleep all night? This blushing, is it spring?"

Li Mengyao patted Luo Ziqing's face: "What are you thinking about, idiot! I have a fever, idiot!"

Luo Ziqing sensed her abnormal body temperature when her hand touched her, and quickly tried her forehead with the back of her hand, and it was really hot.Luo Ziqing hurriedly pushed her to the infirmary: "Go to the infirmary! Why do you still come to school with this body temperature? Are you stupid? By then, your brain will be burnt out and you will become a fool. If Haoli doesn't want you, just wait Go cry!"

Li Mengyao shook her head: "It's okay, it's just a small fever, I can persist, okay?" Luo Ziqing frowned resolutely, and pulled Li Mengyao outside: "No, absolutely not! You can't do it today! If you don't go to the infirmary with me, I'll ask Haobai to tell Haoli not to let him come!"

Li Mengyao resentfully let Luo Ziqing take Li Mengyao away.

Fang Haobai saw Li Mengyao's situation at the side, and was also a little worried, so he thought about finding a computer, and told Fang Haoli about the situation, so that he could pay more attention today. After much deliberation, only Wen Ruo's private office was the last It's right, he's been there once before, and those high-end computers are quite capable.

So he called Wen Ruo and asked if he was free now.

Wen Ruo was a little surprised when he received Fang Haobai's call. After all, the two of them hadn't been in touch since he graduated, but he also kept cutting classes in college, and lived alone in Luoying, which he had already regarded as a family. , only active in the castle, just like an otaku.

"Ah... I happen to be in my private office now. You have been here before, remember the way? Now you just come directly."

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows, sent a text message to Luo Ziqing, saying that he had gone to the student union, and then left the classroom.

After passing through the small forest to the old castle, Fang Haobai pushed the door open and went in. A member of the student union inside saw him and was a little surprised: "The president hasn't come here yet!"

Fang Haobai looked at him friendly, and said, "I'm here to see Senior Wen Ruo, I have something to do."

"Oh! Senior Wen Ruo is in his office, just go in directly!"

Fang Haobai nodded to him, then groped to find Wen Ruo's office, knocked on the door and went in.

Wen Ruo was playing a game, and didn't realize that he had come in. He was talking excitedly to his teammates with headphones on.

"Fuck him! Don't run away, I need foreign aid! Damn! Pig teammates! Here! Support! A bloody man ran away and someone blocked him! Hey! Good job!"

Fang Haobai suddenly felt a little helpless, he didn't expect that the death of the game could change people's existence so much?This Wen Ruo senior is not as personable as before, he is almost indistinguishable from the gaming otaku outside!
But... why is the style of this game so familiar?
Fang Haobai took a closer look, and found that this game was exactly the one made by Chun Shiye, the world!I didn't expect Wen Ruo to be playing too... Wait!Isn't this ID the one that played for Chun Shiye before?Why is Wen Ruo playing the name of the dead spring leaf here?

 Because the cram school is starting, I can no longer stay up late for two shifts for everyone!Can everyone please understand?
(End of this chapter)

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