Chapter 188 Wen Ruo is Him

Watching Wen Ruo's operation, Fang Haobai became more and more familiar with it. This is the move that Chun Shiye always liked to use when he was duel with Chun Shiye before!
Waiting quietly for Wen Ruo to finish playing the game, Fang Haobai walked over and took off his earphones: "Senior Wen Ruo, you have something to hide from me, don't you?"

It was only then that Wen Ruo realized that he was here, and answered irrelevantly: "Ah, are you here? I haven't noticed you just now hahaha." After a few dry laughs, Wen Ruo found that Fang Haobai was completely unmoved, I had no choice but to admit: "Yes, I am the passing spring leaf. I didn't want you to see it, but I forgot that you were coming..."

"Then if you say that, you already know who I am who deliberately came to get close to me?"

Wen Ruo raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and avoided his sight: "It doesn't matter whether I connect you or not, as long as you know that I've always been there to help you, don't you want to borrow a computer? Are you looking for your brother? "

Fang Haobai looked at him, seeing that he didn't want to tell the reason for getting close to him, so he had to let go of the matter first, and asked: "Where is the terminal installed on Haoli's computer that I asked you to send over?"

"I passed it on to you..."

"You didn't keep one for yourself?"

"Keep what you want, just hack into your computer and copy one. Why should I keep it to take up memory..."

"It seems that you have hacked into my computer many times?"

"Hehehe..." Wen Ruo laughed a few times with extreme guilt, hacked into Fang Haobai's computer with a computer, exited that terminal, and then ran away quietly without being disturbed by Fang Haobai at all. The layer-by-layer firewall found by myself.

Fang Haobai's face gradually became serious. In terms of hacking skills, he is not top-notch at all. If there is He Wenruo, no, as a hacker, he should kill Dead Ye. If a hacker as skilled as Chun Shiye comes Hack the data in his computer, what should I do?
So many things he researched in it will be discovered, excavated, and even made public.

After Wen Ruo installed the terminal, he gave up the position: "You do your own thing first, and I will avoid it."

After finishing speaking, Wen Ruo exited the room and returned to the gentle and elegant appearance before. In that instant, her temperament completely changed. very good at disguising?

Fang Haobai frowned slightly, but decided to let go of this matter first, sit down and inform Fang Haoli of Li Mengyao's illness first. Much more complicated!

Opening the terminal, Fang Haobai sent a question mark first, to see if Fang Haoli is inconvenient now.

Not long after, Fang Haoli replied, saying that he was there, and asked Fang Haobai what was the matter.

Fang Haobai told him the truth about Li Mengyao, and asked him to find someone to dig out Wen Ruo's matter.

"Senior Wen Ruo? Is there any problem with him? Why do you want to check his affairs all of a sudden, and didn't you already ask Chun Shiye for the file of Senior Wen Ruo?"

"Wen Ruo is Chun Shiye. His file may not be entirely true."

"What?! Senior Wen Ruo is Spring Leaf? Are you kidding me?"

"You know I never joke."

"Where are you?"

"In Wen Ruo's private office."

"Does he know that you already know his real identity?"


(End of this chapter)

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