childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 189 Wen Ruo's Life Experience

Chapter 189 Wen Ruo's Life Experience

"Then you have to leave quickly, in case he kills you..."

"It's okay, he just said that he is here to help me, and he probably won't do anything at the moment, don't worry, today's plan is as usual, but you have to be responsible for taking Mengyao to the hospital, otherwise Zi Qing will be worried .”

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Fang Haobai cleared the records just now, shut down the computer, and opened the door of Wen Ruo's private office: "Senior, it's done."

Wen Ruo nodded at him, walked sideways into the office, sat on one of the small sofas beside it, found two canned coffees from the drawer, picked up one and threw it to Fang Haobai: "Do you want it?"

Fang Haobai took it unceremoniously, but he didn't open it. Instead, he stood by the door against the wall, tossing the coffee in his hand for fun: "Zi Ye, can you confess now?"

Seeing that Fang Haobai had already thrown out his hacker name, he didn't make any more pretense. After opening the coffee and taking a sip, he said slowly: "You should already know that I am not the son of the Wen family, right? Actually, I have a feud with the Wen family. My biological parents were killed by the head of the orthodox Wen family. Maybe he pity me and think I am innocent or something. Brought back to the Wen family, took me in, and gave me a seemingly real identity, so that I can live well in this world. But I have loved playing with computers since I was a child, and read some books on hacking techniques After that, I became very interested in this kind of things, so I started to study in depth, hoping to create my own career in this field one day."

"Then, when I was testing my technology, I accidentally opened the Wen family's hidden information, which was encrypted, and it was encrypted many times. This small document aroused my curiosity, because they never communicated with me. Speaking of the Wen family, I know almost nothing about this family. I know that I was squeezed out by them, so I have been trying to get acquainted with this seemingly rich family through various channels."

"I opened this small file after a week of hard work. It is part of the diary of the head of the family and my life experience. There is also a newspaper with the news of my parents' death at the back. It is just a simple car accident, but after reading those diaries I know that this car accident was faked by the master to deceive the world. In this way, I know my true identity. I am just a bunch of unlucky couples who owe a lot of debt. Of course I am not a noble writer Young master, he is just an orphan who was picked up."

"Patriarch of the Wen family, he ruined my family, but took me in who survived the car accident. He had a grudge against me, but he made up for it by taking me in. Even so, I still can't forgive him! So I Say to yourself, I want my own influence, my assets, my own strength, so that I can bring down their Wen family! I must avenge my parents!"

"Maybe others will think that I am ungrateful after they find out, but all my misfortunes are caused by them. They should take me in and make up for me!"

"I am like this, while studying, enriching my computer knowledge and technology, creating my own game, using the consumption of players in the game to make money, and also getting to know many famous people in politics, business, and various fields. Characters, and have a friend relationship with them to enrich their power."

 Sorry for being late today!
(End of this chapter)

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