Chapter 191
"I can't imagine how painful it would be to have so many scars on her body at the same time! When Ziqing divorced her father and godmother, Xiaoxin was always with her. The two of them met in the park. , and Xiaoxin is not a child of a rich family. At that time, she only knew that Ziqing was crying very sad, so she went up to comfort Ziqing, and the two became very good friends, so... that doll is priceless, no matter what How about it, I must get that doll back!"

Wen Ruo looked at Fang Haobai's firm eyes, and hooked the corners of his mouth: "That's why I will try my best to get in touch with you, and I will help you. At the same time, I hope that Fang's company can do some small things with me. With the cooperation of the orthodox Wen family, they ruined the family business of the orthodox Wen family. At the beginning, they caused my family to be ruined, my wife and my wife were scattered, and now I want to treat him in the same way!"

Fang Haobai stared at his crazy face, and couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Do you really know what you are doing now? Although the Wen family has done a lot of harm to your family, the Wen family has been doing you a lot for so many years. Compensating you, raising you up, and giving you financial support, they are actually reflecting on it, trying to make up for it... You must not be blinded by hatred."

"Don't worry, I know very well what I'm doing now. The Wen family can raise me, a child of an enemy family, and I'm very grateful to them. This is true! Over the past few years, I have been treated as a young master in Wen's family, but in Ai's family, none of them squeezed me out everywhere, and they never saw me as a member of their own family. It must be reported!"

Fang Haobai found that his emotions were unusually calm, but it was a little surprising: "Look at him, he is the kind of young and mature person."

"After going through too much, you will become like this." Wen Ruo heard his words, as if what he heard was not a comment, but a joke, "I am old, I can't compare with you group of energetic young people. ,Ha ha!"

Patting Fang Haobai on the shoulder, Wen Ruo brushed his body and walked up the stairs leading to his room at school: "I played games with them all night last night, and I just found out when you came to see me. It turns out that the sky is already dawn, I'm too sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while, you can go back to class quickly, even though it's already familiar knowledge, you still have to give the teacher some face to go to class."

Fang Haobai stared at his back until he finally disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

"How old are you... You are still just a child."

In Wen Ruo's private office just now, Wen Ruo drank a can of coffee, and fell asleep after drinking coffee, how could it be possible, huh.

Obviously... I don't want to hurt that Wen family in my heart, hurt the person who dragged him back from the car accident, otherwise, why should I panic, why are my eyes so sad?

Fang Haobai shook his head helplessly: "I don't understand!"

After returning to the classroom, Fang Haobai found that Luo Ziqing and Li Mengyao had returned, and Situ Yu and Gu Yiqi were busy with their post-graduation marriage for a while, so they never came to school.

Although both of them have not reached the legal age of marriage, the people of the two families hope that the two of them can organize the wedding in advance, not only to block the suitors of the two, but also to announce to the outside world that the marriage relationship between the two has been determined from now on. Can not tolerate outsiders provocation.

 The wife who came here is late today, I don’t know if everyone is asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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