Chapter 192
I heard from Gu Yiqi that Situ's mother and Situ's father treated her as a daughter-in-law-to-be better than Situ Yu's own son. Every day she was almost raised in Situ's house as a rice bug. I don't know how happy she is!

Compared to the happy appearance here, the relationship between Fang Haoli and Li Mengyao is still a bit dangerous...

"Haobai, what are you doing? I didn't come back for so long, I thought something happened to you!" Luo Ziqing finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him come back.

"What can I do, I'm a big man, it's useless if others tie me up." Fang Haobai rubbed Luo Ziqing's little head amusedly, "I just went to Senior Wen Ruo to borrow a computer."

Luo Ziqing looked at Li Mengyao worriedly: "Have you told Haoli Mengyao about the situation? Mengyao doesn't know what's wrong, she's just very stubborn. No matter how much the school doctor sister persuaded her, she didn't want to go home and rest. She just ate a little The antipyretics came back, and I didn’t want to lie down in the school doctor’s office.”

Fang Haobai is also helpless, isn't it just to meet the person he likes, when can't, at worst, just change the time, why be so stubborn?
But for Li Mengyao, she hasn't seen Fang Haoli for so long, and she really misses him very much. Occasionally, she will see Fang Haoli accepting news interviews on behalf of Fang's company on TV. With Zhang's gradually handsome and mature face, he couldn't help stroking the screen lightly, as if he was touching the real him.

After thinking about it, I cried, and when I cried and cried, I became tired, tired, numb, and couldn't feel the tears.

Li Mengyao was lying on the table at this time, with a terrible headache, but she still held on, pretending to be calm and only said to Luo Ziqing that she didn't sleep well last night, and this lady wants to sleep well!
Luo Ziqing gently stroked Li Mengyao's back, like coaxing a child: "If you want to sleep, sleep well, anyway, your grades are so good, the teacher won't care if you sleep in class~ It's just that it should be more comfortable to go to the infirmary to fall asleep Well, why don't we go back to the infirmary?"

"No, I'll just stay here, the infirmary smells like disinfectant, it smells bad. Don't disturb me, I'm going to sleep well!"

Pretending to be really sleepy, Li Mengyao buried her head in her arms, pretending to be very heavy soon.

Luo Ziqing thought she was asleep, so she didn't bother her anymore, she found the small quilt that Fang Haobai usually prepared for her lunch break, and covered it for Li Mengyao.

Li Mengyao felt that after the quilt was covered, her heart warmed up. Although this girl sometimes lacks insight and tendencies, she is very careful in taking care of others...

Because she really didn't sleep well last night, and the surrounding environment was too comfortable, Li Mengyao really fell asleep.

When she woke up again, it was already noon, and only she and Fang Haobai were left in the classroom.

Li Mengyao raised her head suspiciously: "Haobai, why didn't you go to have lunch with Zi Qing?"

Fang Haobai in front of him suddenly seemed to be a different person, showing a warm smile that he wouldn't have at other times.

Tears burst out of Li Mengyao's eyes, ran across her cheeks, and dripped down her chin. She wiped away the tears, threw herself into Fang Haoli's arms, buried her face in his chest, and rubbed his chest wet.

"These are bright white clothes~ You're so wet, what if he doesn't help us anymore?" He was still the same as before, with a gentle, doting and loving manner... loving her.

(End of this chapter)

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