childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 195 Wait for me, I will definitely live up to you

Chapter 195 Waiting for me to come back, I will definitely live up to you

Fang Haoli was even more helpless, picked up the medical records in his hand, and asked the nurse to join Li Mengyao's team.

"She has a serious fever, can I trouble you to ask if anyone is willing to help?"

Seeing that Li Mengyao's complexion was really bad, the nurse hurried to the side and asked those other patients who were still in the queue who were not as seriously ill.

Fang Haoli looked at the back of the nurse, and said to Li Mengyao apologetically, "I'm sorry, although there is a private doctor at home, but if I go back now, people from Ying Xiaorou may see me..."

Li Mengyao touched his hand comfortingly: "It's okay, it doesn't matter to me, as long as I can be with you, I don't care about anything else at all!"

Seeing Li Mengyao's sincere expression, Fang Haoli felt a warm current in his heart. He hugged Li Mengyao and held her tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to embed her into his body: "Mengyao, Never leave me, okay? I will always be nice to you, always love you, just a few months will be enough, and a few more months will be enough! Haobai and I will solve Ying Xiaorou’s problem ,do not worry."

Li Mengyao put her hand on Fang Haoli's back, and her head was also buried in Fang Haoli's arms: "Well... I know... I will wait for you... You must come back quickly."

Hearing the voice gradually weakened, Fang Haoli suddenly realized something was wrong, looked down, and found that Li Mengyao was already paralyzed in his arms, fainted.


This was the last voice Li Mengyao heard, a voice that reassured her.

Fang Haoli sent her to the nurses, watching the nurses arrange Li Mengyao in an orderly manner, while the doctor saw Li Mengyao.

When the doctor finally put down the stethoscope, Fang Haoli hurried up to meet her: "How is she? Is it serious?"

The doctor patted him on the shoulder to let him relax, and then said: "She's fine, just malnutrition and a high fever, and she didn't have a good rest recently, so she passed out. There's nothing serious, but it's still an injection." The nutrition injection is ready, you can go back when you wake up, go there with the nurse to go through the formalities."

The doctor asked a nurse to take Fang Haoli to the toll office to go through the formalities. Fang Haoli grabbed the medical records and other things, and ran directly to the infusion room where Li Mengyao was assigned before he even had time to get the change.

Looking at Li Mengyao's pale face, Fang Haoli couldn't help feeling distressed.

He touched Li Mengyao's hand without needles, put a kiss on his lips, and then put it on his face: "I'm sorry... for making you suffer."

"When I come back, I will definitely! I won't let you down!"

Here, Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai have successfully run to the company without being discovered by Ying Xiaorou.

Sitting on the sofa next to Fang Haobai, Luo Ziqing swayed her legs boredly.

Fang Haobai came here to pretend to be Fang Haoli, and of course he had to help Fang Haoli with his work. He picked up the documents put in by his assistant, and he frowned and began to deal with them seriously.

After a while, he realized that Luo Ziqing had been staring at him intently, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, which made his scalp numb for a while.

"What's wrong? Bored?"


"Then what are you doing?"

"Look at you."

"Of course I know you're looking at me, and I'm just asking you why you're looking at me."

"Take care of your eyes~"

Luo Ziqing smiled, her eyes narrowed into tiny slits, so cute.

Fang Haobai's Adam's apple slid up and down between his neck.

 As I said, the author is very busy at the beginning of the third year of junior high school, so don't rush to update it!
(End of this chapter)

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