childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 196 A Powerless Threat Is Almost Like Flirting

Chapter 196 A Powerless Threat Is Almost Like Flirting

"Zi Qing, I forbid you to stare at other men with such eyes, you know?" Fang Haobai temporarily put down the folder in his hand, and slowly moved to Luo Ziqing's side, restlessly Climbed onto Luo Ziqing's waist.

Luo Ziqing leaned in his arms nonchalantly, with a lazy look: "What's the matter, it's nothing bad."

Fang Haobai was not happy when he heard this, what is this?Doesn't she know how alluring those eyes are?He was afraid that someone could not help but pounce on her and eat up his beloved girl after seeing her eyes, after all, he was not willing to speak!

"I can't tell but I can't!"

"Why? Domineering!"

"Because you are mine, your eyes can only be mine, understand?" Fang Haobai's hand on Luo Ziqing's waist tightened slightly, and he rubbed it like punishment.

Luo Ziqing was always ticklish, and the itchy flesh around her waist was almost untouchable. After being rubbed by Fang Haobai, Luo Ziqing collapsed on the sofa from the itching, and tried her best to move to the edge of the sofa, avoiding Fang Haobai's grip. attack.

"No! Don't touch here!"

The corner of Fang Haobai's mouth curled up in a beautiful arc, and his body slowly moved towards Luo Ziqing.

Seeing Fang Haobai gradually approaching, Luo Ziqing sat up in shock, and ran directly to the other side of the office, looking at Fang Haobai with a full face of wariness, staring at him, afraid that he would suddenly take advantage of her not paying attention. He jumped up and tickled her.

"I, I, I, I warn you! If you, you, you, you come over, I will... never play with you again!"

A weak threat, like a kindergartener.

Fang Haobai chuckled, revealing an unusually rare sunny smile.

"Oh? Is that so?"

As she spoke, she stood up from the sofa and approached Luo Ziqing step by step. She walked very slowly with a smile on her face, but Luo Ziqing had an extremely bad premonition.

"Don't tickle me! I'm gonna hate you!"

Fang Haobai's steps paused for a moment, but immediately began to move towards Luo Ziqing's direction, ignoring Luo Ziqing's threat of threatening.

Finally reaching Luo Ziqing's side, Fang Haobai's hands pressed against the wall, trapping Luo Ziqing tightly between his arms, leaving Luo Ziqing nowhere to escape.

The eyes looking at Luo Ziqing were full of warmth and a little playful.

"Don't threaten me, I hate being threatened... Although your threats are weak... like a child."

Luo Ziqing was immediately unhappy, because Fang Haobai's body was blocking her, she couldn't stamp her feet, she could only reach out angrily to push Fang Haobai away.

"I'm not a child, go away! Don't get so close to me!" Luo Ziqing was so anxious that her ears turned red, but she still couldn't push Fang Haobai away even a little bit.

"Fang Haobai, I'm warning you! You... Woo!"

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked, and there was something soft sticking out of his mouth, as if inviting, constantly entwining himself, like a loach, slippery.

Although she felt very angry that her threat was ignored, but the moment Fang Haobai kissed her, all of Luo Ziqing's anger seemed to disappear, leaving only the sweetness that melted in her heart.

"You said you hated me when I tickled you, but I didn't tickle you, so don't hate me." Fang Haobai finally let go of Luo Ziqing, who was panting from being kissed, but still held her waist, letting her She leaned in her arms.

"...Bad guy, hmph!"

 Today... Parents' meeting... I really don't know where the school has so many parents' meetings... Sorry for being late

(End of this chapter)

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