Chapter 197

Luo Ziqing no longer resisted his hand, and leaned obediently in his arms: "You are really domineering, you are not allowed this or that, what else can I be allowed, I am not a private property. "

"I promise you will think about me every day, don't think about food and drink, just want to stay with me, have the idea that men other than me are your enemies." Putting his chin on Luo Ziqing's head, Fang Hao was half white. Squinting, it's nice to be able to hold the little one in your arms.

Luo Ziqing blushed, her small fist landed on Fang Haobai's chest, and said coquettishly, "You have few shortcomings, but one of them is that you are not shy!"

Fang Haobai hugged her even tighter, but he just freed up one hand to hold Luo Ziqing's restless paw tightly, just kidding, it hurts when girls use force, okay?
He didn't want to be beaten internally by his girl.

Luo Ziqing moved dissatisfied, and wanted to pull out her hand, but Fang Haobai's hand was bigger than Luo Ziqing's claw, so it was a breeze to catch Luo Ziqing.

"Stop moving, let me hold you for a while, be good." Fang Haobai smelled the fragrance of Luo Ziqing's hair, and felt so comfortable that he almost sighed, "Ziqing, you smell so good..."

"...I will buy you a set of shower gel like mine later?"


"I'll buy you a set. When you want to smell it, go to the bathroom and hold the bottle of shower gel. Don't hold me all the time."

Fang Haobai didn't want to do it, for such a soft and fragrant body, not allowing him to hold, touch, and kiss would be the greatest torture for him!

"I don't want it, I want you!" Fang Haobai buried his head in Luo Ziqing's neck like a child, sniffing fiercely like a dog, as if he wanted to imprint Luo Ziqing's smell in his mind forever , Never forget again.

Luo Ziqing took a look, eh?Is this kidding?It's over, this is what Luo Ziqing can't stand the most.

Such a perfect man in the eyes of others, the feeling of being subdued in front of him really satisfies his vanity...

Luo Ziqing patted his head, and said extremely helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll give you a hug, but you have to look at the place to know?! Don't just hug and kiss on the street!"

Fang Haobai is often on the street, not caring about the innocent passers-by, grabbing Luo Ziqing and giving her a kiss, but Luo Ziqing doesn't know that this is Fang Haobai's declaration of sovereignty over other men who stare at her covetously. move.

His little daughter-in-law is too easy to provoke bad guys.

Fang Haobai pretended to think about it, and pretended to agree with Luo Ziqing: "Okay."

Only then did Luo Ziqing nod in satisfaction, pointing to the pile of documents on the opposite desk and the material contract that needed to be signed by the manager, and said, "Okay, then you should hurry back and pack these things, and try to get off work early, we will go to the hospital to find Hao Li and Mengyao, okay?"

Fang Haobai thought about the documents on the desk for a while, then kissed Luo Ziqing's lips lightly, and turned around resolutely as if making up his mind.

"Okay, then you just wait here for your husband to return home in glory."

Luo Ziqing's face turned red again: "You're not married yet, don't be so embarrassed, okay?"

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows, and looked at Luo Ziqing in surprise: "Are you implying something to me?"

"What do you mean? I didn't say anything~"

"Could it be..." Fang Haobai stepped forward again, lifting Luo Ziqing's chin, "Aren't you implying that I want to marry me sooner?"

 Mina-san, Qiqi really needs to save the manuscript...

(End of this chapter)

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