Chapter 199 So Soft
Luo Ziqing put her hand on the white neck above, and said in a soft and soft voice, "That depends on your performance~ If you don't perform well, I might get on the plane and go abroad alone. "

Fang Haobai hugged her even tighter: "If you run away, I will dig you out even if I dig three feet into the ground. Anyway, in this life, you can only be by my side, except in my arms , you have nowhere to go!"

Luo Ziqing hammered his chest with a small fist, and said proudly: "There are not many people who like me, except you... Hehehe." Luo Ziqing smiled like a wretched uncle, and deliberately half-closed his eyes. Eyes, a lazy look.

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows, the little guy still wants to stay in someone else's arms?Or, is this provoking him?

The godfather can bear it, but the godmother can't bear it anymore.

Fang Haobai slapped Luo Ziqing's butt hard, causing Luo Ziqing to jump up from the ground all of a sudden, and also let out a scream that resounded through the sky, alarming the people who were working hard outside, but was shocked again. A group of male assistants jumping.

At that time, Fang Haobai was afraid that Ying Xiaorou would come to help with an excuse of not having enough manpower, so he simply found seven or eight assistants outside at once, and all of them turned to him sincerely.

Immediately, a male assistant ran to the door nervously, knocked on the covered glass door, and asked, "Manager Fang, what's wrong? Why is there a woman's voice?"

Fang Haobai thought that he didn't tell the assistants outside that he was actually Fang Haobai's business, so he had no choice but to sit back at the desk, deliberately made the document loud, and then pretended to be Fang Haoli's voice: "It's nothing, I was teaching a little wild cat a lesson just now, that’s its cry, it’s all right now, you go on with your work, I’ll tell you something.”

The male assistant outside seemed to have a very low EQ at this time. He was still standing at the door with a puzzled look, and asked, "Why are there wild cats? The company's security work has always been good. It seems that another day will Let the people from the security department make adjustments."

"Maybe my door wasn't closed properly, it's none of the security department's business, okay, go back to work, I have nothing to do." The assistant outside left from the door, but his face was still full of doubts.

"How could a cat come in on such a high floor? It's really strange."

Confused, the assistant returned to his seat helplessly.

Fang Haobai pushed Luo Ziqing to the side of the sofa, squinted his eyes and stretched his waist: "Okay, dessert is finished, then I will continue to work, and you, hurry up and learn for me."

Seeing Fang Haobai return to his seat with a satisfied face, Luo Ziqing frowned dissatisfied, why should his own ass suffer when he is happy? !Want her to study? !
Sensing Luo Ziqing's sad eyes, Fang Haobai just smiled secretly, but on the surface he still looked calm and breezy, but no one knew that his heart had set off huge waves.

So soft!I really want to touch it again, what should I do!But this seems like a hooligan?

Luo Ziqing didn't notice the wretchedness in Fang Haobai's eyes at all, but could only sit on the sofa and take out a book to study bitterly.

Although the college entrance examination is the same thing, it is also very important to learn a lot of knowledge. You can't just read the knowledge in textbooks, otherwise your vision will be too narrow, so Luo Ziqing is looking for books like original foreign encyclopedias .


(End of this chapter)

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