Chapter 200

Fang Haobai saw that she finally picked up the book despite her reluctance, smiled slightly, and started to work.

This side is beautiful, but Fang Haoli feels a little helpless because of Li Mengyao's illness.

Li Mengyao was still lying on the hospital bed, with his pale face in front of Fang Haoli, only he could not stop feeling distressed.

The usually healthy Li Mengyao's lips are pink, which makes people want to kiss them, but at this moment, Fang Haoli is just very worried about the fragile and beloved girl in front of him.

He held Li Mengyao's hand tightly, as if if he let go, she would be blown away by the wind and disappear from his eyes.

The head nurse outside was very speechless: "This guy looks pretty handsome too. Don't the girls outside still say that he is a big shot? Why is he so good-looking and has mental problems?" Obviously not What kind of serious illness, why did this young man act as if he was dying?

The little nurse holding the medical record next to her heard the head nurse's muttering, and put her head in front of her curiously: "Head nurse, what are you talking about?"

The head nurse waved her hand and wanted to drive the little nurse to work: "It's nothing, just leave your business and go to work! Don't keep the patient waiting."

The little nurse pouted, and left obediently. After all, if she received a complaint, she would deduct her year-end bonus. It’s better to be careful. I just happened to have some cosmetics I wanted to buy recently. The lipstick of the color I saw last time was really The eyes are so beautiful, another day... While thinking about it, the little nurse drifted away silently, with a happy smile on her face.

The head nurse here sighed helplessly: "They are really young people who don't know what nonsense they are thinking about all day long."

After finishing speaking, the head nurse left directly, leaving room for a young couple inside.

That day, Li Mengyao didn't wake up until almost eight o'clock in the evening. Fang Haoli kept guard for almost an afternoon, and fell asleep while holding Li Mengyao's hand unconsciously. He put a blanket on him heartily, but the moment Li Mengyao moved, Fang Haoli suddenly opened his eyes, and ran to call the nurse immediately, the speed was so fast that Li Mengyao couldn't keep his mouth shut. .

"Hao Li, don't worry, I'm fine, you really don't have to hold me like this all the time, okay?" Li Mengyao helplessly looked at Fang Haoli, who was running around in a hurry, the first thing he came back from. The thing is to hold her tightly, leaving no gaps.

The head nurse next to her was also an older leftover woman, who couldn't stand the young man showing her affection in front of her, but rather angrily asked Fang Haoli to let Li Mengyao go: "Young man, how many times have I told you that your girlfriend is fine?" , you can let her go, don't let me check your girlfriend, hurry up!"

Seeing the somewhat fierce face of the head nurse, Li Mengyao pushed Fang Haoli, signaling him to let go of him quickly, Fang Haoli stared at Li Mengyao for two or three seconds before letting go of her sadly.

With a beautiful woman by your side but not in your arms, this is really... unspeakable!

When Fang Haoli finally moved aside slowly, the head nurse gave a cold snort, and smiled at Li Mengyao. She just likes such a well-behaved girl, how cute~
"Hey, how did you make it like this, little girl? Let me tell you, girls must take good care of their bodies. Look at your information card, you are in the third year of high school, right?"

 Late to the party, this week has been too busy...

(End of this chapter)

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