Chapter 303 Aggressive
When Luo Ziqing heard this, she held back a sentence in her heart, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Fang Haobai, can you be more stinking, shameless, and put a little more gold on your face?
Is that human being? !

But after Fang Haobai learned about Luo Ziqing's views on him, he just looked at Luo Ziqing uneasily, and said, "At least it represents my sincerity for you."

Luo Ziqing only said one word: "Get lost."

Later, the rumors spread more and more widely, and the whole school, even people from surrounding schools, knew that there was a handsome Chinese guy who was very popular in China in this school, and he only liked one person wholeheartedly.

Of course, it was also rumored that there was a girl in the private school next door who performed striptease in public, pretended to be innocent, and deceived the boys' feelings everywhere.

When this matter reached Wen Qi's ears, Wen Qi's face turned pale.

She called Ying Jingjing, and the two of them sat in the coffee shop all afternoon. On that day, Wen Ruo happened to be on vacation.

But in this store, there is another person...

Mu Yu was not at the side, and had been observing secretly for a long time, this was what Xiao Lan told Luo Ziqing later.

Ever since Mu Yuwei left Luoying, no one had heard from him, and not long after he left, Xiao Lan also left.

At this moment, Mu Yuwei and Xiao Lan were sitting at a table not far from Wen Qi, and they were closely watching Wen Qi and Ying Jingjing on the other side.

"That person seems to be Wen Qi, who is that woman opposite?"

Not long after Mu Yuwei left Luoying, she got together with Xiao Lan. Mu Yuwei didn't know why, but she just felt that this girl was very special, but in a way that was completely unaffected.

This summer vacation, the two of them are only traveling to the United States.

It just happened that these two people didn't know what to do here.

So the two of them sat there secretly, listening to the two of them talking all afternoon.

After seeing the two of them finally leave, Mu Yuwei's mouth curled into a weird smile: "Is this information enough for us to buy the house?"

Xiao Lan glared at him: "The two of us can be together, and we still have to thank Zi Qing and the others. Now that something like this happened, of course we have to tell them!"

"It's okay to trick them by the way."

The Mu family also has a large part of the power in the United States, so after coming to the United States, Mu Yuwei is still so arrogant.

"I'm going to ignore you if you're like this!" Xiao Lan looked at Mu Yuwei with an unhappy expression.

Mu Yuwei quickly hugged her up: "Aiyou, I was just joking, don't be angry!"

Xiao Lan pushed him away: "Get out of here!"

Mu Yu looked at Xiao Lan ungrievously, thinking to herself that Xiao Lan shouldn't have been given this contact lens, otherwise she wouldn't have such a violent temper.

Xiao Lan has a secret, that is, after taking off her glasses, she will completely change her personality, including her personality and so on.

Mu Yuwei didn't know about this at first, so when she saw her take off her glasses for the first time, she was really taken aback.

But Xiao Lan said that Mu Yuwei was too timid and too weak to accept.

So Mu Yuwei at that time was helplessly messed up in the wind.

This girl is really fierce after taking off her glasses.

 coming!Raise your hands so I can see you!

(End of this chapter)

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