Chapter 304 Our Time

But he was really helpless when he fell in love with such a girl.

That night, Mu Yuwei came to the door.

After opening the door and seeing Mu Yuwei, Fang Haobai didn't think at all, and slammed the door shut with a flick of his hand.

This door scraped past the tip of Mu Yuwei's nose.

Mu Yuwei broke out in cold sweat from fright, and touched his face with lingering fear: "It almost ruined my handsome face."

Fang Haobai leaned against the door inside: "Who are you?"

Mu Yuwei's eyes widened in surprise, he was actually forgotten?

"I'm Mu Yuwei. When guests come, shouldn't we invite them into the house first and then ask the door?"

In fact, Fang Haobai knew him the first time he saw him. Although it has been almost three years, this guy really hasn't changed at all.

Fang Haobai smiled at the door: "Didn't your mother tell you not to let strangers into the house?"

Before Mu Yu heard this sentence, she knew that Fang Haobai was teasing him: "Now is not the time to talk about those things. In fact, I have something very important to tell you. Of course it is something very important to you, but If you don't want to hear it, I don't care."

Mu Yuwei stood on this side, looking confident and fearless.

Fang Haobai was not moved at all, but continued to stand silently.

"Besides, you definitely don't know about this matter. If my Lanlan hadn't said that I must tell you, I wouldn't have come."

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows: "Lanlan? Who?"

Mu Yuwei frowned.

Why is this person so underwhelmed!
Why can't even remember a cute high school classmate like Lan Lan?
This is my baby, Lan Lan!

Mu Yu turned around decisively, ready to leave.

His own Lan Lan was so concerned about their safety that he had the nerve to ask who Lan Lan was? !
Fang Haobai tried his best to remind himself if he knew anything about a person with a "lan" sound in his name, but it turned out that he didn't.

After all, he was in the class, and he really didn't pay attention to anyone. After the whole high school, he didn't remember the names of a few people.

So it's normal not to remember Xiao Lan now.

But Mu Yuwei's footsteps sounded like she was about to leave.

"I don't remember much about the class, you can tell me who she is."

Mu Yuwei stopped at the stairs.

"Xiao Lan! It's my Lan Lan!"

Fang Haobai sighed, and opened the door: "You can come in, but you are not allowed to look at my Zi Qing, and you are not allowed to talk to my Zi Qing, do you hear me?"

Mu Yuwei looked at Fang Haobai, with an indifferent look on his face: "Whatever, anyway, what I like now is my Lanlan, Luo Ziqing? It doesn't matter."

Fang Haobai glared at him: "If you want to come in, hurry up, don't talk nonsense to me."

Mu Yuwei snorted coldly and walked in.

Because Mu Yu's future was relatively late, Luo Ziqing had already taken a shower and was about to go to bed. When she heard the sound, she came out of the bathroom wearing thin pajamas.

The moment she saw Mu Yuwei, Luo Ziqing screamed and hid behind Fang Haobai: "Why is he here?!"

Fang Haobai looked back at Luo Ziqing, and found that Luo Ziqing was only wearing pajamas, so his face was livid, he picked up the small blanket from the sofa and draped it over Luo Ziqing's body, then said softly, "Can you go back to the room first?"

"Now is the time for us to talk."

 I'm coming!
(End of this chapter)

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