Chapter 305
Luo Ziqing carefully looked at the two of them, and ran back to her room.

After locking the door, Luo Ziqing clung to the door and listened to the movement outside.

Who knows what this Mu Yuwei wants to do here, it will be bad if he plots something wrong, so... It's safer to listen to what they are saying.

Well, in fact, she just wanted to eavesdrop for no reason.

After Fang Haobai watched Luo Ziqing run out, he looked at Mu Yuwei and said, "Tell me, what happened? You better know what to say, or I won't let you go."

Seeing Fang Haobai's serious look, Mu Yuwei raised his hands above his head in a gesture of surrender: "If I didn't want to tell you about this, I wouldn't have come at all. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. you."

To be honest, in fact, Mu Yuwei didn't hate Fang Haobai at all, but after so many years, Fang Haobai still wholeheartedly put Luo Ziqing first in his heart, so he knew Fang Haobai was a good man.

Mu Yuwei has no reason to dislike such responsibility.

So when Xiao Lan proposed to tell Fang Haobai what he knew, he didn't just refuse completely, but really came to him.

After all, this matter is actually good information for Fang Haobai.

"When I went to the coffee shop this afternoon, I saw Wen Qi."

Mu Yu unconsciously sat on the sofa, hugged a pillow, and quietly observed Fang Haobai's expression.

After seeing Fang Haobai's eyes quickly become serious, he knew that Wen Qi had a great influence on Fang Haobai.

"Did you hear anything?"

Mu Yuwei raised her eyebrows, of course she heard something!Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to look for him, okay?

Mu Yuwei looked at him: "Why do you feel like you have become stupid after not seeing you for a while?"

Fang Haobai looked at him coldly, then took away the pillow in his hand: "Don't touch other people's things casually, didn't you listen to your parents?"

Mu Yuwei raised the corners of her mouth and smiled: "As long as I want, I can buy your apartment now, and then this will be my home. Then, this pillow will be my property."

Fang Haobai ignored it: "You have said enough, let's talk about Wen Qi?"

Mu Yuwei looked at Fang Haobai, raised his legs, and his face was full of looking for a fight.

"Has no one told you that the guests are here, do you want to entertain, arrange fruit, or make tea?"

Fang Haobai gritted his teeth and left, but not in the direction of the kitchen, but in the direction of the gate.

I saw him walking to the door, stretching out his hand and opening the door: "If you have nothing to do, just get out of here."

This guy, he only said one useful word when he entered the door, and he is still here to show off for him. Do you really think that you dare not drive him out?

Mu Yuwei thought that Fang Haobai was playing hard to get, so he raised his leg and walked outside, but just as his heels left the inner area of ​​the room, Fang Haobai closed the door with a snap.

Mu Yuwei intentionally made the sound of footsteps, pretending that she had already left, and waited for Fang Haobai to come out to keep him.

But after waiting for a long time, Mu Yuwei did not wait for Fang Haobai, and after a while, he found that the little light coming out of the cat's eyes had also disappeared.

what? !

Why does this turn off the lights? !

 I'm coming!
(End of this chapter)

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