Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 266 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 266 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (58)

Chu Feiling's eyes were clear and clear, he glanced at Bai Tuo twice, but did not speak.

With this expression, Bai Tu could guess what was tricky.

Bai Tu narrowed his eyes and asked him back: "Did I get drunk last night?"

Chu Feiling actually didn't expect her to drink so badly. He was still a little dazed when she fell on top of him.

Chu Feiling nodded, and added, "I carried you in."

There was no mention of things with Chanyi either.

But Bai Tu wasn't interested either, after all, the wine concubine had already told her.

If the wine concubine hadn't said anything, she wouldn't have known that her Chu Feiling looked like this after she was drunk.

She originally thought that Chu Feiling had a soft personality and didn't like to deal with people, so it must be difficult to deal with someone as smooth as Chanyi.

Unexpectedly, the other party choked up and showed no mercy.

If she hadn't been drunk, she would have liked to see Chu Feiling's expression when she said those words last night.

Bai Tu nodded: "Drunk, then what? You won't do something to me while I'm drunk, right?"

I don't know if he has exercised many times, but this time Chu Feiling was not so shy. He pinched his fingertips hidden in his sleeves and lied seriously: "No."

Biting shouldn't be out of line, right?

Even if it's out of line, she doesn't know.

Chu Feiling's eyes lighted up slightly, and it was obvious that she was thinking about it.

Bai Tu didn't bother to tear it apart, and after the two of them washed up, they walked out of the tent one after the other.

When I met other people and saw them, my eyes almost popped out.

This, this, Miss Yuan and Mr. Chu, are they so open?
I have nothing to do today, I just chant poems during the day.

This is Yuan Xi's strong point, and she will definitely participate.

After the tables and chairs were set up, Yuan Xi found a seat and sat down.

After that, people were seated one after another, most of them were women.

Men seldom study, and even if they do, it is not extensive. Most men learn some skills at home, such as playing the piano, arranging flowers and painting, and do not choose to study.

Occasionally, however, a few men participate.

As a concubine, Mu Luan wanted to participate, but she didn't want to participate because she thought that the first place should be reserved for those who need it.

Chu Feiling and Bai Tu stood behind, Bai Tu didn't intend to participate, but Chu Feiling suddenly stepped forward, turned to Bai Tu and said, "I want to participate."

Bai Tu didn't say anything disappointing. Although everyone seemed to know about the relationship between her and Chu Feiling, she was not at all afraid that Chu Feiling would embarrass herself. Instead, she encouraged the other party: "Go, I believe in you."

With warm eyes, Chu Feiling found a seat and sat down.

Seeing that Bai Tu's side was empty, Mu Luan walked up to Bai Tu and asked her, "Are you not worried about your little lord at all?"

Bai Tu smiled: "There's nothing to worry about. Since he's gone, he must have his own ideas. I don't need to worry, I just need to wait."

Mu Luan suddenly felt a little envious of the way these two people got along with each other.

Seeing that Chu Feiling had actually participated, Yuan Xi felt angry when he thought of being insulted by him and Bai Tu one after another in the past two days.

She must embarrass Chu Feiling.

After that, every time Chu Feiling recited the acrostic poem, Yuan Xi would always pick it up.

Chu Feiling was still calm, but the difficulty of hiding acrostics was getting higher and higher.

After a long time, Yuan Xi began to regret it.

If she doesn't show off so much, when it's Chu Feiling's turn, everyone thinks that she won't be so conspicuous.

 The fourth update is completed, the update time of the next chapter: 00:00.
  Remember to vote duck~
(End of this chapter)

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