Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 267 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 267 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (59)

But because of the reason for Chu Feiling, Yuan Xi was always the first to rush to answer.

Afterwards, when Chu Feiling read it again, everyone didn't compete with Yuan Xi.

When Yuan Xi couldn't match, someone reminded him kindly: "Miss Yuan, Mr. Chu has published a new poem, why don't you accept it?"

Where is she not answering.

She can't connect.

The other party obviously has this level, but at the beginning he hid it and didn't show it.

After letting her relax, gradually increase the difficulty.

Being pointed out in public like this, she couldn't do it right, it was very embarrassing.

Chu Feiling didn't open which pot to pick up which pot, and seeing her delay in answering, she took the initiative to ask her: "Miss Yuan? Do you need some time to think about it?"

Chu Feiling and Yuan Xi didn't speak a few words in total.

This time was the one with the best attitude. Yuan Xi looked at Chu Feiling and felt his heart move.

After the heart beat, he saw the mockery in the other party's eyes again.

Any good attitude is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

She was played by Chu Feiling.

It's fine to be played by Yuan Cuo, at least both of them are women and sisters, even if they feel uncomfortable psychologically, they won't be too embarrassing.

But this Chu Feiling is a man, and she is well-known in Beijing as a talented woman, now that a man has forced her to this point, how many people will laugh at her.

Yuan Xi really couldn't afford to lose this person, so she had to think seriously.

But the more he thought about it, the more upset he became, and he couldn't think of anything. After a long while, Yuan Xi gave up on himself and said, "I'm sorry, you guys come here."

Mu Luan stared blankly from behind.

These two people want to take home all the top prizes.

No wonder Yuan Cui is not worried, if it were her, then there is no need to worry.

Not only was Bai Tu not worried, but he also took a leisurely stroll around the system store when others were right.

Concubine Jiu watched from the side like a puppy.

Bai Tu searched for a while but couldn't find what he was looking for, so he asked the wine concubine, "Is there any props like that?"

Bai Tuan has a lot of gold coins, but he rarely buys anything. Except for clothes and snacks for the concubine, he saves up everything else.

The wine concubine asked attentively: "What type does the host want?"

Bai Tu thought for a while, and said, "Is there any props to see what happened before? I want to see how Ah Ling pissed off Chanyi last night."

Concubine: "."

Other hosts want gold coins to buy props, but they think the gold coins are not enough.

When you buy it, you are buying some useless props.

Extravagance, it is too extravagant!

The poetry competition lasted for three incense sticks, and the final winner was undoubtedly Chu Feiling.

The queen was surprised one after another. Yesterday, a well-known waste material won the first prize, and today, another son won the first prize.

As a king, there is nothing more gratifying than the excellence of one's own people.

The empress rewarded Chu Feiling with a lot of things on the spot, and after rewarding him, she asked him, "Master Chu, what do you want me to promise? Or do you want to let it go first?"

Chu Feiling suddenly knelt down on the ground, lowered his head, and said, "Feiling doesn't want to ask for anything else, I just hope that His Majesty will marry Feiling and the second young lady of the Yuan family, Yuan Tuo."

It is very common for this woman to propose marriage.

It is rare for a man to ask, let alone in front of Her Majesty the Queen.

Not only others, but even the queen was startled.

After the empress came to her senses, she looked at Bai Tu playfully and said, "I can't decide this, I can only ask Miss Yuan Er for your opinion."

However, before Bai Tu could speak, Chu Feiling went on to say, "Miss Yuan Er has already accepted Feiling's sachet."

Everyone: "???" So they were together a long time ago?

 Next chapter update time: 11:30
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(End of this chapter)

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