my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 118 A man without a wife is so pitiful

Chapter 118 A man without a wife is so pitiful ([-])
Do you want another man to force _Uehara Wish, and then take a photo of the sex and make it public, completely destroying the original wish?
Tsk tsk, Xiao Guanguan is really smart, he guessed the woman's reaction clearly, she really chose this one.

He really didn't expect that there are really people who are so reckless.

It's a pity that Xiao Guanguan can't disclose his identity, otherwise he really wants to see how scared Lan Xiaoxiao will be if she knows whose woman she has been trying to kill.

Flipping through the proposal that Guan Xingrui had sent to him before, Chu Ran suddenly had an evil smile on his lips, and asked Lan Xiaoxiao, "Do you want to win the original wish openly?"

"Can I still win?"

Lan Xiaoxiao was excited when she heard this, and she jumped forward suddenly, with her arms propped on the table, asking eagerly.

Of course she wanted to!

Chu Ran was upset again, and said with a straight face, "Get out of the way! I hate it when someone covers up my pretty face!"

"..." Now that all hope was placed on him, Lan Xiaoxiao didn't dare to think he was crazy anymore, so she had to let go and back away.

Chu Ran's face-changing speed... It's as if a switch is installed on his face, and he can change his appearance in the blink of an eye.

Now he acts as if nothing happened again, with that lazy smile on the corner of his lips again, "Why not? I can definitely let the wind out and say that the recording on the Internet is fake. I didn't want to frame Lei Yuhe Yuanyuan, this whole incident was all done by our company to discredit your reputation, make you fall out with Xia Tian, ​​so that we can poach you at a low price~"

Chu Ran continued according to the lines Guan Xingrui arranged for him, "You can also take the opportunity to brag about it, otherwise, with your popularity and market value, the company will have to spend a rare domestic price to poach you."

These words literally pierced Lan Xiaoxiao's heart, which made her feel elated.

It turned out that not only was there a solution, but it was such a perfect solution!
Lan Xiaoxiao has always liked to pretend to be wronged by Bai Lianhua, this method is just what she wants, and then she can continue to pretend to be kind and forbearing, pretending to have no intentions. During this time, she has been bullied and framed by others, and then shed a few tears at the right time, Countless people will sympathize with her again!
And the timely praise... After all, professionals are a minority, and most netizens are still easily misled. Once they hear that she is actually very popular, more people will definitely pay attention to her!

The more Lan Xiaoxiao thought about it, the more excited she became, and there was only one small suspicion——

"Aren't you afraid of affecting CR's reputation by doing this?"

"I don't want fans, what about the reputation, I just want my artists to be popular~"

Chu Ran never cared about these things. Before any artists under the company made mistakes, as long as they were unintentional and forgivable mistakes, he would stand up and take the blame for the artists.

Netizens scold him if they like, it's not his wife who scolds him~
Besides, Chu Ran is not his real name anyway. ←_←
Now Lan Xiaoxiao had no doubts anymore, she felt that she could finally let out the bad breath accumulated in her chest, and even felt that she was a blessing in disguise.

In the matter of competing with her peers, Lan Xiaoxiao has always used methods that are not on the table.

Before Xia Tian's management was strict, Qi Siqian had always supported Qi Xiuyuan's style, and never supported Qi Xiuyuan's methods that were too lowly.

Now she feels that she and Chu Ran are like-minded...Of course, she can't use this word to describe herself, what she thinks is like-mindedness.

(End of this chapter)

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