my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 119 A man without a wife is so pitiful

Chapter 119 A man without a wife is so pitiful ([-])
Chu Ran is too lazy to tell her any more, she committed suicide, so I can't blame others for being too ruthless~
Taking out her mobile phone, Chu Ran originally wanted to tell Guan Xingrui that the matter was settled, but then she thought about Guan Xingrui's sentence "I allow you to take a look at me" during the day...

Chu Ran decided to make Guan Xingrui sick.

So cheaply sent a text message to Guan Xingrui:
Dear Xiao Guanguan, I have been separated from you for 26 hours, I miss you, I miss you, I still miss you!

——Chu Damei, who has missed you for 26 hours and one minute.

Soon, he received Guan Xingrui's calm reply——

forwarded to your girlfriend.

...Damn you scum!You bastard who has a fiancée and doesn't know the plight of a bachelor!

Also, that's not his girlfriend, it's his wife!wife!

... Even if you don't have a certificate, you are still a wife!

Don't think that the marriage certificate he drew doesn't count!
Having a premonition that he would continue to sleep in the study room tonight, Chu Dameinan went crazy...

And on the other side of the phone...

Yuan Yuan turned over in her foster husband's arms, patted his head, "Two two, go to bed early."

Tong "fosters" her husband... I wish to always treat her Tong Yangfu as a treasure.

A certain old man liked this kind of treatment, and asked seemingly calmly, "I have a friend who has tried all kinds of cheap tricks in order to chase his girlfriend, but his girlfriend still refuses to marry him, Xinxin, you Why do you think it is?"

Yuan Yuan didn't know much about other people's emotional stories...

The love in her heart is like her and Guan Xingrui. The two like each other, understand and trust each other, as if they should be together by nature.

It's like the kind Er Er said that you can't catch up after a long time...

After thinking about it, Yuanyuan only thought of one possibility, "Because he's not as cute as you?"

"I don't know." The voice of a child foster husband seemed calm.

Actually... my heart started to flutter again~
A certain Mensao loves to cheat a confession before going to bed...

He bowed his head and kissed Yuan Yuan, and Yuan Yuan also kissed him good night. The two hugged each other intimately, and fell asleep very sweetly in their hearts.

Compared with Chu Ran who will continue to sleep in the study tonight...

He just lost at the starting line...

If he had met his wife when he was a child, and had honestly been a foster husband in the new era...the treatment might be completely different...

She originally wished to enter the film crew at six o'clock the next morning. Fortunately, during the hour of makeup and hair combing, she just had to cooperate and not move around, and she could sit and catch up on sleep.

But half asleep and half awake, Guan Xingrui waited on him to wash up, change his clothes, and wandered out at 45:[-]...

As soon as the door of the hotel room was opened, Yuan wished to see Dai Yong stuck in the corridor.

"...Yuan, Miss Yuan!"

When Dai Yong saw the original wish, he became nervous and stuttered.

Seeing that Guan Xingrui didn't come out to deliver the original wish, he also guessed that there should be cameras in the corridor, and it was inconvenient for Guan Xingrui to show up.

So he lowered his voice mysteriously, "Sister Yuan, this is the breakfast I prepared for you and the bodyguards. This is for Lord Guan."

Yuan Yuan was still not sober, originally she didn't have any appetite to eat at this time, but when she heard that she had prepared her child's adoptive husband's share, she immediately cheered up, "Thank you!"

As he spoke, he mentioned the share for Guan Xingrui, sent him back to the room, and kissed her Tong Yangfu, "Two Er, sleep a little longer, remember to eat breakfast before leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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