my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 134 I just like it~

Chapter 134 I just like it~ ([-])

This matter does not involve any criminal responsibility, but it has exposed the character issues that netizens are very concerned about.

Rough driving, bad attitude, and arrogance to do whatever you want with the money...

It's not a big deal, but every one of them touched the hearts of netizens.

At that time, Yuan Yuan thought that the old man was really deaf and dumb. Looking at him pitifully, he felt that the hit-and-run driver was even more hateful. At that time, his face was indeed full of displeasure.

And the picture of hundreds of dollars floating in the wind...

Now is the season, oranges are cheap, and two baskets of oranges really don't cost so much.

The bodyguards were also kind at the time. They thought it would be too hard for the old man to sell fruits because of his old age. He wanted to give more...

Needless to say, this approach has of course been misunderstood as saying that if you have money, you don't know how to get better.

There is a lot of scolding on the Internet, but this is not aimed at the original wish. In the past, any celebrity who broke the news about his personal bad character will also arouse the contempt and condemnation of netizens.

On the other side, Qi Xiuyuan contacted the domestic assistant by phone and told the assistant what to do, while holding the tablet to scroll Weibo, wanting to know if there are any hot news that can be used recently, so as to help Yuanyuan avoid this storm.

Qi Xiuyuan himself is in the entertainment industry, and he is surrounded by fresh and true first-hand gossip, so he usually doesn't pay much attention to what netizens are discussing.

His Weibo is basically for posting important announcements, and he rarely reads it when he has nothing to do.

So until today, he didn't see the trending Weibo topic "I have a [-]"...

The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely. He heard that Yuan Yuan called the name "Er Er", so he was already skeptical, so he went in and took a look...

No need to guess, this person is definitely the original wish!
Except for the original wish, there is no one who is so completely natural!

So he immediately called Yuanyuan, discussed with her, and asked her to admit to netizens that the Weibo ID "I have a [-]" is her.

Since it's a calculation, don't think about it, the so-called old fruit seller must be a fellow pretending to be a fellow.

Now they have no place to find someone, and they hope that netizens will not believe what the people around them say.

If they come forward to deny it now, it means that both sides can each hold a statement, but no one has definite evidence.

At this time, it depends on who the netizens are willing to believe.

Qi Xiuyuan wanted Yuan Yuan to admit that this Weibo was hers, so as to boost her favorability and make netizens believe in her character even more.

Yuan Yuan didn't even think about it, "I don't agree."


"If I disclose my identity, I can no longer continue the game."
Although the original wish was two, it was never ambiguous when it came to her foster husband...

Qi Xiuyuan choked, "Why do you have to participate in this competition!"

Yuan Yuan frowned, thinking his question was extremely strange, "I want to confess my love to Er Er."

"...You two meet every day, and you want to confess your love, so just say no!"

Yuan Yuan disagreed, "That's different."

"..." Qi Xiuyuan felt a deep sense of powerlessness...

"Let's talk about the promotion of the competition, if you love him, go to the confession contest for him~"

Yuan Yuan said happily, "I just like my foster husband."
The original wish was still stimulating Qi Xiuyuan's already fragile nerves completely unconsciously.

Qi Xiuyuan went crazy.

...Why!Why have you already stabbed him once, and you have to turn around and make another stab!

You don't need to be so thorough, you can commit two crimes in a row...

(End of this chapter)

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