my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 135 I just like it~

Chapter 135 I just like it~ ([-])

Also... I don't know if anyone has adopted an older child foster husband, and he also wants to be someone else's child foster husband. (┬_┬)
Is it possible that from an ordinary fiancé to a child foster husband, if you change your name, you can get a fiancée who treats you so well...

Emotionally envy is envy, but from a work perspective...

Qi Xiuyuan slammed his head on the table and said weakly, "Give the phone to Guan Xingrui."

He can no longer communicate with this single-minded original wish...

As a result, Uncle Tong's reaction was completely different from what he thought...

"...You don't agree either?"

Qi Xiuyuan began to feel like a screaming old hen again, but he didn't have the time to pay attention to his temperament, "It's just a Weibo name to confess, are you also waiting for the original wish to participate in some confession contest?"

"Hmm~" A certain Tong Yangfu was very calm~
The so-called mensao means never being honest and frank with the person you like, and showing off to outsiders to your heart's content~
Qi Xiuyuan was about to vomit blood, "Then what do you say!"

He still has a way, but he is just unhappy that Guan Xingrui is so selfish and naive, just to listen to a confession, he ignores the reputation of his original wish!

right!It's selfish and childish!
He didn't dare to complain face to face, so it's okay to scold him in his heart, right?

As a result, Guan Xingrui answered him calmly, "Yes."

Then hang up the phone.

A certain uncle never brags, don't look at a fluffy "um", it is definitely a promise.

Qi Xiuyuan didn't know this at all.

He hadn't known Guan Xingrui for long, and the only few contacts he had had were scenes of weird conversations.

So Qi Xiuyuan is holding the phone that has been hung up, and he is still on fire.

And "um", and "um" again!
If you say "um", I will call you Guan in my heart from now on!

Qi to Qi, Qi Xiuyuan didn't dare to joke about Yuanyuan's future, he hesitated while holding the phone, and wanted to tell his assistant how to deal with it.

As a result, before he dialed the number, the assistant called in surprise first, "Boss, it's solved! I hope that the old man who helped at that time was found, and he explained the matter clearly. Someone else knocked over the fruit. I bought his oranges with good intentions and gave him a lot of money..."

Qi Xiuyuan didn't pay much attention to what the assistant said later.

His heart skipped a beat.

Why did the old man find it? Didn't that person arrange it on purpose, just to lure the original wish into the bait?!
The person who designed the original wish would definitely not be kind enough to testify for the original wish, so this so-called old man...

Especially when Uncle Tong Yangfu said just now that he has a way.

...Could it be that this "old man" was someone he asked to pretend to be?
How fake?No matter how blurry the photo was, he could still see the basic hairstyle and face shape. How could it be such a coincidence that he could find an old man with the same face shape in such a short period of time?
Besides... For such a big matter, it's not enough to just find someone to lie to, and you have to make sure that the other party is reliable and won't betray them afterwards!
Is it... is it...

Qi Xiuyuan was thinking about it more and more, when Guan Xingrui called again and told him very calmly, "That's it."

"...How did you find someone to pretend to be?" Qi Xiuyuan asked anxiously.


This extremely calm two-word answer made Qi Xiuyuan dizzy.

He really guessed right!
... But this is not the world of martial arts novels!Even if he doesn't get in touch with that circle, he can tell by watching TV that in this day and age, who would disguise himself?
Spy, secret agent, top killer... What are you doing, sir (┬_┬)
And sir, I was wrong, I should not have underestimated your ability, nor should I have doubted your protection of the original wish...

(End of this chapter)

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