my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 145 Uncle’s Secret

Chapter 145 Uncle's Secret ([-])
Qi Xiuyuan frowned, "Why didn't you learn all of a sudden?"

Looking at Yuan Yuan's performance just now, it is really incomparable with the professional level, but it is obviously the type of person who has studied for many years and has a solid foundation. Stop studying?
"I don't know, I didn't ask Er Er."

Yuan Yuan looked at Qi Xiuyuan strangely.

It's not just him, why does everyone seem to have so many problems?

Er Er, if you don’t want to learn, then don’t learn. Why do you have to ask why?If Er Er wants to talk, tell her directly.

Qi Xiuyuan was sweating coldly from her eyes, he knew what she was thinking without asking.

He was so curious in his heart that he had no choice but to be "strong and brave" and continue to talk to the one-tenth creature in front of him, "Then why did he want to learn... was forced by his parents?"

"No, the teacher who taught Erer at the beginning said that Erer is a music prodigy~ He is very talented and I like to learn."

"...What?" Music?
He has a great sense of rhythm when killing people, the kind that can hit the rhythm of "Ode to Joy" with a few shots... Are you a musical prodigy...

Since meeting Tong Yangfu, his association ability has really improved several levels.

Yuan Yuan didn't understand his shock, and continued to break the news calmly, "The music school I have been studying before Er Er."

"..." Qi Xiuyuan was completely dumbfounded.

Silently pouring a whole glass of iced juice, he tried to calm down for a long time, but he still couldn't connect the Tong foster husband with the artist's unique literary and artistic temperament...

Although the uncle can see his elegant side even when he is violent, after thinking about it, the uncle's fingers seem to be really long and powerful.

Coupled with his tall figure and good-looking face, the picture of him sitting down to play the piano must be very eye-catching.

...But he thinks, uncle, he is more suitable for the image of those elegant BT killers who kill people with piano wires in the movies...

Qi Xiuyuan's mind was completely confused, and he vaguely felt that there was some important information hidden in this conversation.

A person who is talented and willing to learn the piano, and who has been in a music school since he was a child, shouldn't stop playing musical instruments for no reason. There must be something in it.

But after thinking for a long time, Qi Xiuyuan couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, uncle, he has been following the route of the mysterious big name. An ordinary person like him can't figure out his secrets, so let's take care of the original wish first.

Qi Xiuyuan turned the topic back again, " will give up if he doesn't learn?"

Listening to the performance just now, he felt that Yuanyuan's talent seemed to be good.

In fact, it may not be a matter of talent. It may be that it is easier to calm down because of a single muscle. I wish to learn something faster than ordinary people. This is true for acting and piano.

"At the beginning, my parents asked me to listen and accompany Er Er. Later, I fell in love with Er Er, and I learned it just to play four-hands with him~"

If she doesn't play two or two, she won't be interested in learning~
"You don't like playing the piano?" Qi Xiuyuan asked a little regretfully.

The original wish was in a very natural tone, "Anyway, I don't like Er Er as much."

"...Is there anything you like more than liking your foster husband?"

Yuan Yuan thought for a while, then said uncertainly, "Playing Er Er?"

"..." Next time I speak in this tone, you must not answer me...

Qi Xiuyuan really wanted to wail this sentence at Yuan Yuan, but he was already choked up and couldn't make a sound.

If it weren't for this action being too gorilla-like, he really wanted to punch his chest a few times...

(End of this chapter)

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