my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 146 1 Sentence Instant Kill

Chapter 146 One Word Instant Kill ([-])

After the signing ceremony, I originally wished to go back to the dressing room to remove my makeup, and planned to dawdle for a while, so as not to bump into Yuji when I went out.

Because Er Er will come to pick her up for supper~
She herself doesn't care about being photographed, but Er Er must not be photographed.
Yuan Yuan is now the No. [-] person in Yan Tian's favor, so the dressing room is exclusive to her, and the stylist only works for her.

In fact, you don't need a stylist to remove makeup, but Yuanyuan's nerves... no one can believe her.

I was afraid that she would find it troublesome, so I just washed it carelessly, and the makeup could not be removed cleanly. After a long time, the skin was ruined.

In fact, both Qi Xiuyuan and the stylist were wrong...

If they told Yuan Yuan the reason, Yuan Yuan would definitely ask them strangely, "Why don't I take off my makeup properly?"

"If you don't take off your makeup well, you will eat a lot of cosmetics when you kiss me."


The stylist didn't know about her weird idea, but now his face was full of depression.

After holding back for a long time, he still asked Yuanyuan, "Wuyuan, can you go out and go shopping?"

"Yes." She often goes shopping with Er Er~
"..." The stylist broke out in a cold sweat, and realized that she really didn't have the consciousness of being a big star at all.

"I'm talking about not wearing sunglasses... or wearing them, anyway, you must let others recognize you when you go shopping."

Yuan Yuan frowned, "I don't want to."

Then you can't take Er Er out, it's boring not to go with Er Er.

"...I know you probably don't want to, but if you don't go shopping, Lan Xiaoxiao will steal the limelight in another month."

There are no outsiders here, and the stylist doesn't shy away from it, "It was Brother Qi's excavation back then, and I was able to gain a foothold in this circle, and I was able to get along to this day. Brother Qi is my benefactor... You can say that I am narrow-minded, anyway, look at Lan. That woman Xiaoxiao hurt Brother Qi so much, even if she is miserable enough now, as long as she shows any sign of her popularity recovering, I will not be happy."

"Oh." Yuanyuan nodded, her expression unchanged.

The stylist was a little disappointed, he thought Yuanyuan would fight against Lan Xiaoxiao together with him.

Ten seconds later, Yuan Yuan still didn't understand, so he asked him directly, "How do you steal the limelight when shopping?"

"..." The stylist was sweating coldly.

I wish you would wake up!

You are a big star!

There are billboards for you all over the street!

You are considered a big person in this circle, you ask this kind of question that many outsiders don't know!
The stylist stroked his forehead deeply, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart, "Street photography..."

Yuan Yuan was completely bewildered.

The stylist had to explain it to her from the beginning.

In the past, entertainment news was either printed in magazines and newspapers to take up space, or on TV to take up program time, so only popular stars received attention.

In the Internet age, the situation is different. As long as you are a public figure, you will definitely be photographed if you show your face in places where entertainment journalists often squat.

The photos will soon be sent to the entertainment channel of the website, and then reposted by major websites.

The only difference is that when a superstar goes out to buy a steamed stuffed bun, it’s the headlines, while the news about small characters can only be placed in the corner of the website page.

Lan Xiaoxiao was hidden by Xia Tian. Chu Ran's CR Entertainment Company said they wanted to sign her, but it would take three months. If she didn't show up for such a long time, her popularity would almost be exhausted.

Lan Xiaoxiao has followed Qi Xiuyuan for so many years and learned a lot, this time she didn't do anything stupid again, strictly following Qi Xiuyuan's style, and came up with a way to gain attention.

(End of this chapter)

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