my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 147 1 Sentence Instant Kill

Chapter 147 One Word Instant Kill ([-])

The first time she showed up, she took a brand-name bag that she had bought and hadn't used yet, and went to the luxury store to ask if she could return it.

It's terrible, after Lan Xiaoxiao was hidden in the snow, she has become so shabby, the bag she bought before is not willing to use it, so she can only return it!
Lan Xiaoxiao has nothing to pay attention to now, but her life is so miserable, this news is worthwhile.

The reporters squatting nearby immediately took pictures of the news and posted it on the Internet with exaggerated and eye-catching headlines.

Although it is not a headline, it is also a very good position. It was immediately discovered by many netizens, and many people on the Internet are discussing it.

deserve it, deserve it~
There are also netizens on the water and land enthusiastically posting, "If you don't die, you won't die! There are so many celebrities who commit suicide, why don't you set up a death cult for them? Nominate Lan Xiaoxiao as the leader of the death cult"!
There are a lot of disagreements in the post.

The landlord is too much, and even forgot the saying "good and evil will be rewarded in the end"?

Lan Xiaoxiao has already suffered retribution, she should be the leader of Retribution Cult!

Everyone made jokes, and no one sympathized with her...
Lan Xiaoxiao went home and saw the ridicule of the netizens, but she was not angry at all, and laughed instead.

Laugh, laugh, I just want to make you laugh!
A bunch of idiots being used by me!

The posts became more and more lively, and the sharp-eyed girl discovered that the clothes Lan Xiaoxiao was wearing were from a certain cheap brand, which happened to be on sale right now, at 99 yuan a piece.

Later, her jeans were also recognized, and they were discounted of the same brand, priced at 99 a pair.

Considering the consumption level of many celebrities who can spend tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars for an inconspicuous dress, her clothes are too cheap to say the least.

From that day on, Lan Xiaoxiao wore clothes of this price to go out every day, and every time she chose a place that would definitely be photographed by Yuji.

At the beginning, the Internet was full of ridicule, but gradually...

Some people are starting to pay attention to the way she wears it.

In fact, she only has five or six pieces of clothes back and forth, but with different combinations, and the thoughtful use of accessories such as belts and necklaces, it also makes people feel that she wears the same clothes every day.

There are many celebrities who are very good at wearing clothes, and there are many counterfeit celebrities with the same style on Taobao, but those big-name clothes...the tailoring and materials are different, and they look similar, but the effect on the body is much worse.

But Lan Xiaoxiao is different, everyone can afford the clothes she wears!

Girls, most of them like to be beautiful, but how to wear cheap styles with the effect of famous brands, and how to wear them beautifully and stylishly without spending a lot of money... is really a problem.

Now that Lan Xiaoxiao has such an easy-to-imitate model, many people are excited and are waiting for her new street shoot every day.

Most of the people who pay attention to entertainment and gossip are girls, so relying on this, Lan Xiaoxiao's popularity has picked up a bit, and her attention has been rising steadily.

Several clothing brands even leaked the news, waiting for her to sign a new company and invite her to be their spokesperson.

Although it is not a big brand, and the endorsement fee is not comparable to what Lan Xiaoxiao could get before, but for Lan Xiaoxiao, this is definitely a good thing.

The stylist wanted to hit someone, "She has received professional fashion guidance, of course she knows how to wear it! She was able to get such a good treatment back then, it was Brother Qi who helped her win it!"

"Including this idea of ​​not being impatient and taking retreat as an advance, this is definitely Brother Qi's style! Why does that woman still use what Brother Qi taught her!"

(End of this chapter)

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