my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 148 1 Sentence Instant Kill

Chapter 148: One Word Instant Kill ([-])

Finally understood what was going on, Yuan Yuan nodded, "You teach me how to dress, and I'll go out for a stroll tomorrow after work is over."

After a pause, "Although she didn't provoke me, I don't like her. She went too far with Brother Qi."
The stylist was sweating.

No, I didn't mess with you...

Lan Xiaoxiao has been targeting you all the time, that's why she ended up today!
No matter how the onlookers and netizens watched, the crowd was excited, but the original hope that this person was in a bad state from the beginning to the end...

What a thick nerve it is...

Compared with Yuan Yuan, the nerves of a real man like him are as slender as a girl with a spring in her arms! (┬_┬)
The stylist wanted to wipe away tears.

But speechless is speechless, think about it, with a temperament like Yuanyuan who doesn't know what hatred is at all, she can always remember to avenge Brother Qi, and she is really righteous enough for Brother Qi.

"Original wish, you are fine now..." Although it always makes people want to scratch the wall... "You must not change." The tone of the stylist was worried and emotional.

Yuan Yuan looked at him strangely, "Brother Qi also said this, why are you all worried that I will change? I have my foster husband."

"... Is your Tong Yangfu omnipotent..."

Lord, he is really...

But the original wish's reaction was——

Yuan Yuan felt even more strange, "Why should he be omnipotent? It's fine if he is my foster husband."

The stylist choked for a long time before beating his chest and saying, "I seem to know why Brother Qi is in a hurry to leave..." (┬_┬)
Because Brother Qi is afraid of talking to Yuan Yuan!
Yuan Yuan has no idea how much impact he has brought to people's hearts...

After removing her makeup and changing into light clothes, she said goodbye to the stylist and left, leaving the stylist alone in the room wiping tears...

There were still a few entertainment reporters staying at the gate, but the bodyguards' driving skills were at the level of racing drivers, and they easily got rid of their pursuit.

Apart from……

"Did the white Passat in the back take over from the black Mazda before and follow us?"

Some bodyguards noticed something was wrong vigilantly.

The bodyguards who were driving purposely circled the neighborhood, only to find that no matter which street they drove, there would always be a car that had been arranged in advance, pretending to be on the road, and following them unhurriedly.

In this way, every street will change the tracking method of a car, which is very hidden and difficult to be found, but it still cannot escape the sharp eyes of the bodyguards.

After these few laps, there were already more than ten cars.
Geez, big deal!
Since nothing major happened, Yuji probably wouldn't arrange such a big battle.

So this should be...

The bodyguards looked at each other, and someone called Guan Xingrui.

"Boss, we seem to be being followed by Lu Xinwei's people, should we get rid of it?"

Bodyguard A complained calmly, "Boss, Lu Ting reported to Qi Xiuyuan today that Lu Xinwei wanted to chase you. I think it may be true. She just wanted to make a fool of her sister-in-law."
"Well, bring it." Guan Xingrui ordered in a calm voice.

If Qi Xiuyuan, who is good at associating, is here, he will definitely say that the tone is like "Okay, you can die"...

Guan Xingrui has always been careful, he would even avoid cameras like cash machines on the roadside or hotel entry video cameras.

The place he chose to wait was the gate of a nearby junior high school. At this time, the students had already finished school, and the shops on the street were open for students, and they closed early. The neighborhood was quiet and there was no one there.

(End of this chapter)

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