my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 201 The end of provoking a black belly

Chapter 201 The end of provoking a black belly ([-])
...I x!This scream...another lunatic?!
Two hours later, Lu Xinwei quickly washed off a layer of skin, but the river mud was indeed gone, but her whole body still seemed to smell like a trash can...

This kind of smell makes everyone close to her look sideways...

But Lu Xinwei couldn't hide in the hotel until the smell was gone before coming out, because she was afraid of losing the female number two.

So, I just didn't know that I had a peculiar smell on my body, and sat in the crew with a grim face, waiting for the makeup artist and hair comber to help her reshape...

Because she disappeared for no reason, the filming plan was affected, and she was scolded bloody by Director Ye.

This is not enough, as long as there is nothing wrong in the crew, they are all discussing the lunatic just now...

Lu Xinwei's mood hadn't completely stabilized, her heart was full of crazy anger, and she had to hear the word "lunatic" being mentioned again and again...

Her heart, which was about to be tossed and broken, was stabbed once, once, and again...

Really, really... don't provoke black belly...

No, in fact, a particularly powerful black-bellied person can also be provoked, because such a small character, let alone a lesson, even if a certain black-bellied uncle takes a few more glances, he will think it is cheap.

But don't mess with your most precious fiancée...

Even if Lu Xinwei was tossed like this, Guan Xingrui was not satisfied.

For this kind of threat to instigate other men to forcefully kiss Yuanyuan, who also wants to use this to provoke their relationship and break them up... How could a certain Tong foster husband let him go so easily.

No matter how harsh the previous plan was, it was all private. No matter how crazy Lu Xinwei was, at most, only the people inside the crew would know what kind of joke she was making. Such methods were too gentle.

um, gentle...

Of course, the strange standard of judgment is different from that of ordinary people...

In the evening of the same day, Yuan Yuan had just joined the crew and started work, when a white van parked outside the crew.

The car is a very common domestic gold cup, which can be seen in almost any scenic spot, very low-key and inconspicuous.

The only difference from other vans is that on the right side of the body, there is a silver sticker with a width of a palm and a length of more than 30 centimeters, with six characters of "Yinghuo Travel Company" written on it.

The car door opened, and a little girl in overalls jumped out, with big eyes and bangs, and a pair of big glasses. At first glance, she looked like the robot doll Arale in the cartoon.

The little girl was cute, but her expression was very serious. She carefully kicked away the small stones nearby, then turned around, and carefully took out a box from the car.

The box was actually only the size of a palm, but she was as cautious as if she was holding a bomb. She walked slowly, making a detour whenever she saw a small stone, and she walked very smoothly.

Fortunately, her tormented journey didn't last long, and the bodyguards came out to greet her soon.

"Liangliang~ Why are you here to deliver the goods yourself?" The bodyguards obviously knew her very well and greeted her one after another.

The little girl's arm strength is weak, and her hands are a little shaking when holding something for a long time. She finally handed over the box that is afraid of shocks, and she was relieved.

"What kind of person am I? I heard that it was the list of Boss E, but the boss went to the laboratory in person! It has been tested, and there will be no traces left after the event, and nothing can be found."

The bodyguards also took the box carefully, and said with a smile——

(End of this chapter)

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