my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 202 The end of provoking a black belly

Chapter 202 The end of provoking a black belly ([-])
"Young Master Yan did it himself, so there is no need to doubt the quality."

They stood at the door of the crew and chatted for a while, attracting the attention of many people.

Of course, because the little girl grew up too safe and harmless, no one thought what terrible content they were talking about...

The main reason is that there are a few men who want to strike up a conversation because they see that the little girl is cute.

When the bodyguards returned and the little girl returned to the van, someone immediately came over and asked a question that she thought was safe, "Beauty, why did your travel company come up with such a strange name?"

Yinghuo travel company?

Shouldn't travel agencies be called youth, four seasons, peace and other simple and easy-to-remember names?
The little girl pushed down her glasses calmly, "In ancient Chinese language, Mars is called Yinghuo."

Suddenly, I felt the cool wind whistling behind me...

A place called Mars could it be so disturbing?

The man who came to strike up a conversation was frightened...

The more I thought about it, the more I didn't understand it. Finally, I couldn't hold back my curiosity, so I searched the Internet.

The moment he clicked on search, his heart was pounding, fearing that he would just open the door to another world...

Searchable results...

It turns out that there are even one-day tours in surrounding counties and cities!It seems that he is thinking too much.

A good travel company, with such a name, I thought it was going to send people to aliens...

The things Guan Xingrui specially ordered from Young Master Yan will come in handy soon.

Three days later, a certain high-level executive in Xia Tian celebrated his birthday, and booked a banquet hall in a certain hotel, planning to hold a big one.

As Xia Tian's artiste, he is still the object that the company is promoting, so of course he wants to be present.

Naturally, Lu Xinwei would also attend.

The birthday party was on Friday night, but... on Friday afternoon, something big and small happened.

The stylist hurriedly called Qi Xiuyuan, almost insane, "There is something wrong with the dress, CF refused to lend the dress that I wanted to try on!"

The prices of big-name dresses are frighteningly high, often costing more than one hundred thousand or hundreds of thousands or even higher, and what occasions do celebrities wear them for, once they are worn, they cannot be worn again.

If you spend your own money to buy clothes every time, you really can’t make enough money to buy clothes.

Big stars don't have to worry about these things, what they wear is the best live advertisement, and big names will naturally come to them to cooperate with them.

Of course, it is impossible to give away such expensive clothes for free. They are all on loan, and they must be returned immediately after wearing them.

For starlets who do not have collaborations with big brands, as long as they prepare in advance and borrow or buy dresses from some not-so-famous designers, they will not go wrong.

However, Yuan Yuan and CF have always cooperated well, but this time CF suddenly backtracked. The banquet was about to start in two hours, and even the dress hadn't been settled yet. How did he put Yuan Yuan's makeup and hair on her!
The stylist was really going crazy, he didn't explain so much because of the urgent time.

This is actually Lu Xinwei's trick!

Just now, a CF employee he knew secretly told him that Lu Xinwei used the power of the Lu family to put pressure on them, not only not allowing them to lend the uniforms, but also specifically asking them to wait until this time before notifying the original people.

Qi Xiuyuan was very calm, "CF~ Don't be nervous, I'll find someone to call Davis."


(End of this chapter)

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