my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 203 The end of provoking a black belly

Chapter 203 The end of provoking a black belly ([-])
"Davis, CF's big boss."

"I, I know him..." the stylist stammered excitedly, he was in this line of work, of course he knew this talented designer!Idol!

... But it is rumored that he has the backing of the mafia!
Besides, this is not the person in charge of China or the Asia-Pacific region, he is the ultimate boss of the CF headquarters!

"Brother Qi, you can still talk to him! Do you know him?!"

Qi Xiuyuan broke into a cold sweat with guilt, how could he have such a big face...

The one who can speak is Yuanyuan's omnipotent foster husband...

Recalling that when he said that he wanted to change the advertisement case, he also asked the old man like this in surprise——

"You know Davis?"

"I'll get to know you right away."

This arrogant answer made Qi Xiuyuan feel tears streaming down his face even thinking about it now...

But at this time, he had to make others cry first.

Qi Xiuyuan directly asked the stylist, "Who did this?" It's not the first time he's been in this industry, so of course he knows that big names don't do things like this for no reason.

"It's Lu Xinwei."

"It really is her, you should take the phone first." Qi Xiuyuan grabbed the fixed phone and called Lu Xinwei.

As soon as the call was connected, Qi Xiuyuan said leisurely, "Actually, there is something I've been holding back. CF has already chosen to be their spokesperson for the next season, and the commercial will start filming next week~"

Lu Xinwei & Stylist: "..."

Qi Xiuyuan continued to remain calm, "It's not the Chinese region, it's the endorsement of global and full-line products, and this is CF's first Asian spokesperson~"

Through the mobile phone, Qi Xiuyuan can imagine Lu Xinwei's hideous face now, gnashing her teeth with hatred.

Want to get stuck in Yuanyuan's dress?I'm sorry, this is the brand I was willing to endorse~ They must give priority to the endorser~
A phone call from the headquarters doesn't count for your Lu Family P!
If you have the ability, you can clamor with the mafia behind Davis!

He suppressed the news at first, because he was afraid that the original wish would become popular too quickly and make people jealous. He was thinking of finding an opportunity to release this news these days, but he didn't expect to encounter such a good time to slap his face~
It's so cool~<( ̄︶ ̄)>
After hanging up on Lu Xinwei's phone, Qi Xiuyuan immediately called a certain Tong foster husband.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the face to contact the head of CF directly...

But Guan Xingrui was in a meeting, and the call was automatically transferred to the bodyguard.

Bodyguard A was very calm, "I'll give you a number, you can tell Davis."

It is inconvenient for them to reveal their identities, and they always have poor contact with the outside world. Besides, it's not a big deal anyway, so they don't need to come forward in person.

Qi Xiuyuan: "..." o_O
After gathering his composure, he said speechlessly, "The mafia is behind him... I am a good citizen who has never seen a high-end underworld society. I feel strange when I see people with guns. How dare I talk to him... ..."

"Ha." Bodyguard A couldn't hold back and laughed.

Qi Xiuyuan was shocked instantly, this smile, this smile...

He, he may have seen a high-end underworld society... It's Uncle Tong Yangfu!
And is he thinking too much?

Why did he feel that the bodyguard's utterance just now was laughing at him, who was afraid of the "little" mafia even though he had already talked to Mr. Tong Yangfu...

Uncle, what are you doing... (┬_┬)
And you are always so cool and domineering with your skills and identity, you came here to be a child husband who looks like a little daughter-in-law... Are you just following the trend and playing mix and match...(┬_┬)
It's still a long review plus a chapter!The next chapter is my little digression
(End of this chapter)

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