my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 215 Too Heavy Taste

Chapter 215 Too Heavy Taste ([-])
That's obviously the person her brother hired with money!Why! ! !
She is not reconciled, not reconciled!

"Ah——" Lu Xinwei yelled in a breakdown in the car, unconsciously slammed on the accelerator, and then...

"Bang"!The car hit a tree on the side of the road...

It seemed lucky, but unfortunately, the airbag deployed in time and saved her life.

All she had was a scratch on her forehead, a mild concussion, and a dislocated right wrist.

It's unfortunate because... Lu Xinwei put this car accident on Yuanyuan's head.

She was yelling crazily in the ward, and her brother had no choice but to be given a tranquilizer to stop her cursing.

However, the hatred in Lu Xinwei's heart would not be affected by the tranquilizers, and she even gritted her teeth to kill Yuanyuan.

From this point of view... the more she thinks about it, the more miserable she will be treated by a child foster husband... She seems to be lucky to die directly...

Yuan Yuan didn't even know about the two major events that happened tonight.

She fell asleep in the car all the way, and when she returned to the hotel, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. After her foster husband helped her take a bath, she comfortably hugged her foster husband and fell asleep...

The days were really happy and carefree.

Early the next morning, all major websites were extremely lively.

The headline of the entertainment section is that Lu Xinwei played a loud ... p during the live broadcast on the red carpet last night, and the headline of the social section is that in a hotel parking lot last night, there was a fierce woman and five burly men. ...

Netizens exclaimed that the two headlines this morning are so heavy...

Although netizens didn't know that the protagonist of these two headlines was actually the same person... but Lu Xinwei knew it herself.

The last time she was frightened by Young Master Yan's voice, and fell when she stepped on a stone deliberately placed by the bodyguards, she had already asked for leave...

Lu Xinwei knew that Director Ye was very dissatisfied with herself recently, so she didn't dare to ask for leave, so she had to endure the sequelae of concussion to come to the set.

Then she still has to see this kind of headlines and listen to everyone's discussions!
Of course the bodyguards knew what was going on. Looking at her face that was about to turn green, they were really impressed.

When they knew that Lu Xinwei was going to play tricks again last night, they still wanted to beat up those five thugs, and then catch Lu Xinwei and teach them a lesson.

This kind of method that only knows how to solve problems with fists is far from the method of the boss...

The bodyguards deeply felt that their realm was not enough, everyone held a thick black book, and read it diligently...

They also want to strive to be black-bellied...

This scene shocked Lei Yu, who came to look for Yuanyuan, and asked the bodyguard closest to him, "Why do you all read this book?"

Bodyguard A is inconvenient to tell the truth, so after thinking about it, he said deeply, "Group buying, it's cheap..."

Lei Yu: "..."

The original wish is really... Even the people around her are so interesting.

After the elevator incident, Lei Yu was really phobic... A few days ago, he was depressed, but today he finally returned to normal, so he came to Yuanyuan to thank him.

Guan Xingrui had approached him and said not to mention these things to Yuan Yuan, so he couldn't say the reason for thanking him, it was just to express his heart.

Guan Xingrui... That man, his identity is definitely not simple.

Lei Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw that the rest of the production crew were discussing this morning's Toutiao enthusiastically, while Yuan Yuan was looking down at the script without distraction.

It seemed that he suddenly knew a secret about Guan Xingrui.

A certain girl's birthday, add one more, happy birthday! ≥﹏≤Then I really won’t add updates for the time being...

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(End of this chapter)

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