my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 216 Chu Dameinan

Chapter 216 Chu Dameinan ([-])

No one would be born with boundless power and a large group of elite subordinates. Moreover, he had specifically inquired, and there was no famous family with the surname Guan.

So Guan Xingrui didn't rely on the protection of his ancestors, he got his current status because of his hard work.

Lei Yu was suddenly a little curious, was it just to keep the innocence of his original wish that Guan Xingrui became so omnipotent and powerful step by step?

Lei Yu's manager also came over, and now seeing Lei Yu standing still, looking at Yuan Yuan, smiling warmly and sunnyly, he even cried out in his heart.

Such a gentle and happy smile!It's over, it's over, Lei Yu must really fall in love with Yuan Yuan...

As soon as the manager pulled Lei Yu, he spoke first, "I wish, Lei Yu has something to tell you."

Hearing someone calling her, Yuan Yuan raised her head, bright and charming facial features, but with pure and clear eyes, those eyes are as clean as a child's, making people want to touch her head.

Lei Yu's heart trembled a little when he saw it. He originally wanted to thank you, but when he opened his mouth, the first thing he said was——

"Be careful of Lu Xinwei in the future."

That woman is too insidious and scheming, and she can do anything with tricks, but she has enough money to bribe others. Such a person is too dangerous.

According to the simple character of the original wish, if she didn't specifically remind her, she would definitely not know how to guard against others.

But he reminded that Yuanyuan was still in a daze.

Lei Yu broke out in a cold sweat, and understood where the problem was, "...I mean, watch out for tassels."

Yuan Yuan doesn't remember the name Lu Xinwei at all... Seeing Yuan Yuan instantly understood, Lei Yu was so amused that he burst out laughing.

When Cao Cao arrived, Lei Yu still wanted to say something to Yuan Yuan, but not far away, Lu Xinwei walked in this direction.

Moreover, he walked arrogantly and looked at Yuan Yuan and Lei Yu with disdain from a long distance away.

The aloof state was too obvious, and the rest of the crew noticed it, and they all looked at them with nothing in their hands.

...Actually, what they were more curious about was that Lu Xinwei had just put a P on the live broadcast yesterday, and today she was not ashamed and angry, hiding from everyone, why did she suddenly pull herself up again?

Lu Xinwei didn't know what everyone was thinking, but only knew that many people were paying attention to this place.

This is what she wants.

From last night to this morning, Lu Xinwei has been driven mad for countless times, but now she seems to have a trump card in her hands, standing in front of Yuan Yuan, proudly raising her chin, "Do you know what I am here for?"

Yuan Yuan frowned and guessed, "Steal the phone?"

"Pfft—" Lei Yu couldn't hold back, burst out laughing.

The rest of the crew also roared with laughter, and Director Ye slapped his thigh from laughing.

It's absolutely amazing!
After thinking for a long time, according to their normal thinking, there is no way to instantly kill Lu Xinwei's arrogance with just one sentence...

Amidst all the laughter, someone had no smile on his face, walked up to Yuanyuan's recliner, bent down and put something on the ground.

Everyone was laughing and paying no attention to him.

Lu Xinwei's face was blue and red, "You..."

I wish she didn't dare to provoke her in person, but when she saw Lei Yu beside her smiling, her eyes immediately turned dark, "Lei..."

He better not mess with her!If she framed him once, she could frame him a second time!


Just now Lu Xinwei said a word, the person who put something near Yuanyuan's chair suddenly straightened up, and walked behind her in two steps...

(End of this chapter)

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