my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 217 Chu Dameinan

Chapter 217 Chu Dameinan ([-])

With a flamboyant posture, he landed on Lu Xinwei, raising his leg and kicking him!

Caught off guard, Lu Xinwei was kicked and fell forward, and then... vomited.

Because of her face, she fell firmly onto a pile of cow dung...

And she opened her mouth and fell down while shouting... Cow dung was eaten into her mouth...

Pfft... Everyone in the crew was dumbfounded, wanted to laugh, and felt that their world view had been refreshed, and all looked at the person who kicked the person just now.

It's Chu Ran.

Seeing that someone who kicks someone has to must be this handsome Chu man.

Facing everyone's gaze, Chu Ran raised his eyebrows lazily, and glanced around the several male actors present, "Did you see that kicking people like just now makes them look like they have the longest legs."

Everyone: "..." (┬_┬)
Everyone was shaken and messed up in the wind, but they had to keep in mind silently.

This is a veritable king of poses, no matter what to do at any time to look more handsome... He is an expert, listen to him.

After "teaching" the actors, Chu Ran looked at Lu Xinwei with satisfaction as she fell on the cow dung and couldn't get up.

That's right, he just bent over near Yuanyuan's recliner just to put cow dung~
Xiaoguanguan is a good idea.

At that time, he asked Xiao Guanguan what to do, and Xiao Guanguan calmly suggested using cow dung.

He asked Xiaoguanguan the reason, Xiaoguanguan said calmly, the materials were from nearby, fresh and warm.

It's so fresh and hot... Lanshan is actually a rural area. He happened to see a cow "going to the toilet" on the way here. After collecting materials nearby, he has a deep understanding of this description.

Xiaoguanguan is really a wonderful thing.

In the entertainment industry full of moths, such strange things are needed.

When Chu Dameinan was feeling emotional, Lu Xinwei finally got up. The continuous stimulation from last night to now made her completely lose her mind...

He didn't even bother to clean his face, and was about to rush over with all his teeth and claws.

Chu Ran stood still, took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Lu Xinwei who looked like this, and commented lazily, "You are so bullish."

...Don't omit the most critical word dung!

The people nearby covered their noses and complained in their hearts.

People who are celebrities are most afraid of sneaking and taking pictures. Lu Xinwei's heart shivered, and she became a little less crazy.

Her assistant also hurried over, handed her a toothbrush and toothpaste, and wiped her face holding back her nausea.

Lu Xinwei was cleaning up there, Chu Ran was not in a hurry to speak, and kept watching coldly from the side.

In the elevator incident last time, Xiao Guanguan wanted to take revenge, but he also had to take care of his employees.

He came today to help Lei Yu vent his anger.

Chu Ran's family history is well known in the circle, and everyone regards him as an inspirational legend, because he had no capital and no background, and in this extremely deep entertainment circle, he was able to run a modeling studio into today's CR Entertainment company.

In this passage, Lu Xinwei only cared about the words "no background".

So she looked down on Chu Ran completely, and when her face was cleaned up, she pulled away the assistant's hand that was about to touch up her makeup, pointed at Chu Ran and cursed, "Believe it or not, I won't let you get out of this crew!"

Chu Ran smiled coolly, "You might as well try it. I have never seen any battles from a small model to the current CR boss. I really don't believe that anyone can do anything to me!"

This is not true at all.

(End of this chapter)

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