my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 218 Chu Dameinan

Chapter 218 Chu Dameinan ([-])

Although Chu Ran still has a strong identity, he doesn't seem to care much about CR's business now, but he did create CR from scratch, and he didn't use his secret forces to help.

Chu Ran said this with full confidence, but Lu Xinwei smiled contemptuously and viciously, "That's because you didn't meet the Lu family!"

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and turned on the speakerphone to show off, "Brother, within an hour, I want CR's Chu Ran to disappear!"

"Is the surname Lu?" Chu Ran said slowly to the phone, "Did you have fun at 2803 the night before yesterday? Would you like me to send the video to your girlfriend's husband and let him share your happiness?" ?”

On the other end of the phone, there was a crisp "pop", which seemed to be the sound of a teacup being accidentally broken.

Immediately afterwards, there was an obviously stiff voice from Lu Xinwei's brother, "Chu..."

"Call me handsome man Chu." Chu Ran has always insisted on this point.

"...Chu Dameinan, I heard many friends mentioned you, but I have never had the chance to get to know you formally, but when will we go out for dinner together?"

"Brother!" Lu Xinwei shouted angrily in disbelief.

"Shut up!" Her brother reprimanded her louder than her.


Everyone in the crew was blown away.

It seems that Lu Xinwei's brother was not able to hook up with the wife of some important person. Chu Ran heard about it from somewhere, and arranged a sneak shot in the hotel room in advance.

In order to show off, Lu Xinwei turned on the speakerphone just now...

Wanting to save face, but completely lost face.

Lu Xinwei's face turned red and then white, she had a slight concussion, but after a lot of tossing just now, she was almost dying...

Chu Ran was still moving her wrists slowly, and looked at Lu Xinwei provocatively, "You're playing dirty, you really can't beat me~"

"Let me tell you, if you dare to plot against Lei Yu again, I will find a hundred men..."

Having said that, Chu Ran suddenly stopped, "What's your expression? What do you think I'm going to say, find a hundred men to turn you around?"

Chu Ran despised her, "I am so beautiful, how could I meet an ugly man! Is it your turn? You think beautifully!"

Everyone: "..." (┬_┬)
Lu Xinwei couldn't hold on any longer... she was so angry that her eyes turned black for a while, and she finally passed out completely.

With sharp eyes and quick feet, Chu Ran raised her leg and kicked her, and kicked her to the cow dung again, and then walked away in satisfaction...

The corner of Lei Yu's mouth twitched to catch up with him, "... Boss, thank you for coming to help me vent my anger."

On the night of the elevator incident, the boss said that someone in his family was going to take the exam, and he would go to accompany the exam during the day for the next few days, and when he was done, he would come to Lanshan to teach Lu Xinwei a lesson.

He thought the boss was just saying that casually, but he didn't expect that the boss really came to avenge him today.

Chu Ran stopped, turned around and looked at Lei Yu, that lazily smiling look was really attractive, "Do you know why I always take special care of you?"

Lei Yu didn't know, but his manager trembled.

Because boss you... cut off your sleeve?
The manager subconsciously wanted to block Lei Yu...

Although Chu Ran is the big boss, Lei Yu has already been touched and cried by female fans, if the male boss confesses to cry again... this child is too miserable.

The manager has brought Lei Yu for three years, and he still protects Lei Yu very much.

Chu Ran raised her chin, and looked at Lei Yu approvingly, "Because you look a little bit like me."

(End of this chapter)

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