my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 219 Chu Dameinan

Chapter 219 Chu Dameinan ([-])

"...Thank you boss for the compliment." Lei Yu's voice trembled slightly...

His manager is really about to cry, boss, you might as well confess your love!

Just a few days after Lei Yu was frightened, you frightened him like this... (┬_┬)
Chu Ran usually doesn't care much about the company's affairs, and has never met Lei Yu a few times.

It's rare to meet him today, so I took the opportunity to "teach" him, "You don't have to pay too much attention to the competition between you and Fu Ran. It's really useless to be handsome these days. When you go out to buy things, swiping your card is not swiping your face."

"But it's useful if you look like me. This is capital."

"Do you know why?"

...can participate in the super parody show?

Lei Yu thinks this answer is too shocking... I really don't have the nerve to say it.

Chu Ran's expression was rare and deep, and he said earnestly, "Because we are so beautiful."

Lei Yu: "..."

Boss, I want to change company...(┬_┬)
Because of Chu Ran's arrival, the whole morning, the atmosphere of the crew was not quite right...

Outside the fence of the production crew, some fans who came to visit the set thought they looked weird, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

Finding that some of those fans had been staring at Yuan Yuan, Lei Yu asked his assistant to inquire about it, and when he got the result he expected, he went to Yuan Yuan's side again to remind her.

"There are your fans coming to visit the class," Lei Yu guessed that this was the first time Yuan Yuan encountered this situation, so he carefully reminded, "Most of them will take pictures, you have to be careful, don't open your mouth when eating, and don't eat big things for the time being." After eating, open the water bottle so hard you can't grin your teeth, cover your mouth when you're sleepy and yawn, in short, don't show an ugly expression..."

Otherwise, after many years, someone will post her ugly photos everywhere...

It's hard being a star.

The crew allows fans to visit the set, but in order not to disturb the filming, fans are not allowed in until noon.

Originally wished to hear novelty, "They visit the class, so what should I do?"

Lei Yu froze for a moment, and answered an answer that he thought was stupid, "Show them..."

But in fact it is true.

Probably because no one has had private contact with Yuanyuan before, fans are not sure what kind of temper she is, and they are a little scared.

When it was lunch break, Yuan Yuan's fans walked into the crew, but they never went to talk to Yuan Yuan. They found a seat not far from her and sat down to watch the idol.

Yuan Yuan still felt strange, so he simply stood up and walked to them, "Why do you come to see me?"

It's cold and the road is long, why did you come to see her?
The fans also choked, "You look good..."

Yuan Yuan suddenly realized, and then said happily, "I will show you my fiancé in the future, he is prettier than anyone else."

She wished to praise her foster husband whenever she had the chance...

The fans didn't expect that she would take the initiative to chat with them, and they became excited, "We all want to see Mr. Q!"

Mr. Q is the code name Qi Xiuyuan gave Guan Xingrui when he published the draft.

People in the circle know his surname Guan, but they haven’t revealed it to the outside world. Most netizens only know him as Mr. Q, and some nicknamed him as Xiao Q, Mr. Q...

Yuan Yuan chatted with fans like this. When fans saw her for the first time, they usually asked about small things in life such as what food they like.

The fans came at an unfortunate time. Originally, today's play schedule was very tight, and the lunch break was only 10 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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