my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 228 Our Agreement

Chapter 228 Our Agreement ([-])
The assistant was originally her brother's secretary, and the employment relationship between stars and assistants in the ordinary entertainment industry was different, so now she had to obey her orders and surrender herself.

The assistant took all the responsibilities on herself, saying that she was instigated by someone, or because her original wish was not pleasing to the eye, and wanted to frame her. Now that things are getting worse, she is afraid, so she surrenders herself.

Those fan girls who got food poisoning also said that she did open the lid at that time, confirming that the assistant did have the opportunity to commit the crime.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar on the Internet, and the situation was completely reversed again.

Counting the time when Lan Xiaoxiao framed Yuan Yuan and Lei Yu, many netizens misunderstood Yuan Yuan twice in a row...

Originally, they were just passers-by, but now they recalled their original remarks, and they all feel very sorry... They all said that if there is any negative news in the future, they will wait for three days before expressing their opinions.

A certain Tong foster husband was satisfied with the result, got up and was about to leave, and was going to take Yuan Yuan to the hospital to visit her hapless fans.

Of course, he couldn't spare Lu Xinwei so "easily".

Before leaving the villa, he ordered his subordinates, "Find another bucket of swill for her to soak in."

The bodyguards were a little bit embarrassed, "Boss, this time...should be gone..."
The leftovers during the day have been taken away, and the leftovers at night... It's almost dinner time.
A certain Tong foster husband glanced at his subordinates calmly, "Isn't there something unfinished in the pigsty?"

In the pigsty... there is nothing left to eat...

That's what the pigs haven't finished eating!

So the bodyguards really ran to snatch food from the pigs in tears... They collected a big bucket and came back, as Guan Xingrui did before, let Lu Xinwei soak for a while, then pulled the rope and pulled her out...
The only difference from before is that now they allow Lu Xinwei to vomit.

Because the boss feels that the punishment is almost enough, is he starting to soften his hands?
of course not!

The boss made her vomit on purpose.

Because tomorrow morning, there will be another highlight!

Because of the reversal of the online situation, Yuanyuan doesn't have to be trapped in Xia Tian anymore.

Finding a company employee to leave in the car she came in, and lured all the entertainment reporters away, Yuan Yuan got into the car of the bodyguards and went to the hospital over Lanshan to meet her foster husband Tong.

Guan Xingrui had already finished taking a shower, lest he still have the strange smell from Lu Xinwei's house...

However, although he is refreshed now, he put on a disguise mask which affects viewing.

Because he was going to accompany Yuan Yuan to the hospital.

Of course, he can use the old method to climb over the wall to avoid the camera and enter a ward, but there are too many patients in the ward, too many people, and it is too unsafe.

The parents now knew that they had wronged Yuan Yuan, and apologized repeatedly to Qi Xiuyuan embarrassingly, and asked him to say sorry to Yuan Yuan for them.

Although someone almost smashed his head with a water glass just now, Qi Xiuyuan was not angry.

His own child was fine, but he was lying in the hospital all of a sudden, maybe someone did it deliberately, and he would be impulsive if it were him.

But... Yuan Yuan came here now, so he won't be scolded, but the parents are not fans, so they won't ask Yuan Yuan what he likes to eat and other small things in life.

As soon as we talk about more formal topics... Yuanyuan might expose her secrets...

So knowing that he wanted to come over, Qi Xiuyuan specifically said that he would invite the parents to dinner, and led them away.

(End of this chapter)

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