my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 229 Our Agreement

Chapter 229 Our Agreement ([-])
The original wish went to the ward to visit the fans, and the little girls were so excited that they almost burst into tears, but although the original wish was two, common sense is still unambiguous.

Her Tong Yangfu is not made of iron, and she was sick when she was a child. She has been with the patient and knows that the patient is weak and needs more rest.

So I didn't chat too much with the fans, Yuan Yuan memorized their contact information, and promised that if she participated in any variety show or event in City A in the future, she would definitely ask them to participate.
Of course...with Yuanyuan's style, she couldn't think of such a way...

She didn't have any concept of going to participate in variety shows or live events in her head.

Originally, I didn't pay attention to the news, and I didn't know about Lu Xinwei's assistant turning himself in. I just thought that the girls went to Lanshan to see her, so they went to the hospital. I should apologize to them, so I asked Qi Xiuyuan what she should do.

This was Qi Xiuyuan's idea to her.

There was a fan girl who fell asleep while playing the bottle, and Yuan Yuan didn’t wake up when Yuan Yuan came, so Yuan Yuan came out of the ward and sat on the bench in the corridor, waiting for the girl to wake up.

Of course, Guan Xingrui sat beside her and waited with her.

Yuan Yuan was wearing a hat, and the people who came to the hospital didn't look around, so no one recognized her.

In the ward opposite them, a little boy who was afraid of injections was crying loudly, arching around to avoid needles, and was finally coaxed by a chicken leg...

The little boy was crying so hard that he was still biting the chicken leg, but he didn't feel the pain from the needle on his ass anymore.

Yuan Yuan laughed when he saw it, and asked the people around him, "Two Er, do you still remember that we were all afraid of injections when we were young?"
The bodyguards were shocked when they heard this, and immediately looked in this direction.

How could the boss be afraid of injections... Judging by his current personality, even when he was a child, he must be a calm and precocious child.

Even if he really fainted from the needle, he would definitely not have a particularly obvious reaction.

At that time, the boss...was afraid of the injection in the eyes of ordinary people, but because he had a psychological shadow on things like needles...

The bodyguards did not have known Guan Xingrui for as long as Yuan Yuan did, but at that time Yuan Yuan was too young, so her parents kept some things from her. Later, Guan Xingrui did not want Yuan Yuan to come into contact with those dark sides and never mentioned it, so the bodyguards instead A little more than I would like to know.

Guan Xingrui's tone was the same as usual, "Remember, we made an appointment later to overcome this problem together."

It seems that there is no special memory for such things as needles.

In fact, the memory does exist, but because of the people around me, there is no shadow for a long time.

And... He has already taken revenge.
Yuan Yuan recalled what happened when he was a child, "At that time, I thought, after the injection, my illness will be cured, and I don't have to worry about contagious Er Er, so I can continue to play with Er Er~"

Then I felt that the shiny silver needles were not so scary.

Yuan Yuan was a little curious, "Two two, how did you overcome it at that time?"

What was he thinking?Guan Xingrui ran along Yuanyuan's hair, of course thinking - he has a heart.

He wanted to keep his promise, fulfill all the agreements he made with Xinxin, and wanted her to be as carefree as when they first met.
So he wants to bury all his gloomy memories, and prevent those memories from affecting his life before he has the ability to take revenge, and prevent himself from becoming a cold-blooded animal who only remembers hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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