my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 230 This is the real black belly

Chapter 230 This is the real black belly ([-])

Obviously still clearly remembering the things when he was a child, but a certain Tong foster husband calmly brought out the old answer, "Because I'm handsome."

Why is this the reason again?

"Because he is handsome, don't you want to be afraid of getting an injection and crying and affect your image?"

The original wish was puzzled, "But Lei Xiaoqi's tears are also very beautiful..."
Hearing the name of his old "enemy", Guan Xingrui: "..."

But this topic is not over yet...

As soon as Lei Xiaoqi was mentioned, Yuan Yuan remembered that there was another important matter. He talked about his foster husband, and said in a low voice, "Two two, last time I talked about role-playing, but I changed roles halfway."

Although the big bad wolf and the little white rabbit are also fun, she still misses the two little cheese cats.

But... Jiao Xiaoqi who can meow is easy to handle, how can Lei Xiaoqi imitate it?
Yuan wished to look at her Tong Yangfu's face, and suggested, "When I press your nose, you will cry, okay?"

"..." A certain Tong's foster husband looked at her calmly and dismissed her suggestion, "Today we will play with the queen and the male favorite."

"Okay~" Yuan Yuan always let her Tong Yangfu agree immediately.

But there is one thing she still has doubts about, "How should the queen and her male favorite get along?"

Guan Xingrui calmly began to deceive people to "explain", "A man's favorite is a man who is very favored. The queen likes him the best and treats him best. She is happy to do anything with him by her side. She wants to be with him for the rest of her life."

Yuan Yuan understood, "Then there's no need to act, it's you."

"Yes, it's me~~~" A certain uncle admitted very happily.

The bodyguards clenched their fists so that they wouldn't punch their boss... Ripple again, you ripple again!
A certain uncle has never known what restraint is...

After watching the last fan, he went back to the hotel with his original wish, went to the bedroom and continued to linger...

But after rolling the sheets and taking a shower, and Yuan Yuan falling asleep, Guan Xingrui got up again, changed his clothes quietly, and climbed out along the window.
He still has work to do.

On the other side, Lu Xinwei's villa.

Lu Xinwei vomited most of the night, feeling that her life was about to die.

But no matter how she threatened the Lu family, the bodyguards were relentless and resolutely carried out the order Guan Xingrui left before leaving.

Lu Xinwei has been a daughter since she was a child, and all the peers she meets will treat her as their ancestor, and even if they are beaten and scolded by her, they will continue to flatter her with a smile on their faces.

While enjoying such a life full of stars, Lu Xinwei looked down on the people around her.
and so……

When she first met Guan Xingrui who was merciless to her, Lu Xinwei was still very excited, feeling that she had indeed found a man who was different from others.
Her heart was full of the hunter's excitement of finding a high-quality prey, so she didn't even care about the torture. Instead, no matter how angry or frightened she was at the time, she felt more satisfied with Guan Xingrui afterward...

...It's this kind of weird vile mentality.

However, Guan Xingrui's punishment to her tonight was obviously beyond her endurance. She was so tormented that she fainted, and it was after one o'clock in the middle of the night that she suddenly came to her senses, "Stop! Otherwise, I will let Guan Xingrui's Hengyuan go bankrupt immediately!"

Hengyuan is a company used by Guan Xingrui to disguise his identity. It has a good scale and efficiency, but it is not a multinational consortium after all.

With the Lu family's financial resources, it is really easy to make Hengyuan go bankrupt.

The bodyguards looked at each other a few times, and yawned boredly, but their faces were serious, and they all stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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