my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 231 This is the real black belly

Chapter 231 This is the real black belly ([-])

Not only did he stop throwing her into the slop bucket, but after she took a two-hour bath, he also served a pot of smooth and soft white porridge, as if he really wanted to please her.

At least it seems so.

Lu Xinwei vomited until there was nothing in her stomach, and her throat was scratched, and she couldn't eat anything else now. This pot of porridge was delivered at the right time.

Glancing at the bodyguards with a sneer, Lu Xinwei ate three bowls of porridge and began to plan how to get revenge.

Now only she and her brother returned to the Lu family, and the Lu family didn't know what happened to her here.

No matter how hard Guan Xingrui tried before, she didn't complain to her family, but this time it's different!

Guan Xingrui, she still wants it!

But how dare he treat her like this, she must use the power of the Lu family to hit him hard, she will make him bankrupt, make him have nowhere to ask for help, let him finally kneel down and beg her to be with him!
And until that time, the torment she is suffering now, she is the same, she must let the original wish experience the same once!
While thinking about this, seeing that she was almost done eating, one of the bodyguards suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"Presumptuous!" Lu Xinwei raised her hand and wanted to slap her, "Don't forget, the safety of Guan Xingrui's company is all up to me!"

The bodyguards didn't have Guan Xingrui's ability to kill people with a single sentence, and felt that it was a waste of time to talk to her too much, so they simply ignored her and dragged her out of the house.

After that, amidst Lu Xinwei's curses and threats, he forced her into the car.

After that, the car of the bodyguards drove for three hours.

Not only did he leave Lanshan and enter the urban area, but he also turned around in the urban area and stopped at the end of a somewhat remote street.

The street itself is not bustling, and roads are being built outside, so few people pass by these days.

Especially now that it's only after [-] o'clock in the morning, there are no residential buildings or schools nearby, and people who go to work don't have to arrive at work so early, and there is no one on the street.

"What are you going to do?"

No matter how remote this place is, it is better than Lu Xinwei's villa where people can only see people after more than ten minutes' drive. Lu Xinwei felt a little bit more at ease when she thought it was impossible for them to kill people in the urban area in broad daylight.

But why aren't they afraid of her threat?How could Guan Xingrui's small company not be afraid of the Lu family?!
Could it be that she thought she was just talking and wouldn't really be cruel?!
Lu Xinwei was in shock, when the car door was suddenly pulled open, Guan Xingrui stood outside, put on a pair of white gloves elegantly, and then... grabbed her by the hair, and dragged her down!
Lu Xinwei was so frightened, the familiar technique reminded her of Liu Dong's birthday, in the hotel parking lot, when she wanted to find someone to take a nude photo of her original wish, she was dragged out of the car like this!

Then she was taken as her original wish by those men...

Thinking of what happened that day, Lu Xinwei was terrified.
What does Guan Xingrui want to do!Does he want to repeat what happened that day?!
In the midst of fear, Guan Xingrui dragged her for two steps, but suddenly let go of his hand, and threw her to the ground mercilessly.

After that, he didn't bother to look at her at all, turned around and got into the bodyguard's car, and left quickly.

Just... over?

Finding that no one else came to catch her again, and Guan Xingrui didn't arrange a second move, Lu Xinwei couldn't believe her good luck.
It fell into Guan Xingrui's hands, and it was good luck to toss around for most of the night last night...

(End of this chapter)

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