my fiancé is a boss

232 Chapter 3 This Is Really Dark Belly

Chapter 232 This Is Really Black Belly ([-])

At least Lu Xinwei thought so.
Did Guan Xingrui show mercy to her men after all, or did the bodyguards tell him about her threat, so he didn't dare to go too far?

These two guesses made Lu Xinwei very satisfied, and she even became complacent.

After half a minute, she realized——

She is dead now, absolutely no one can see her!

He hurriedly got up from the ground, let down all his hair, covered his face, and tried to escape secretly.
She vomited all night. Although her stomach was not empty after eating three bowls of porridge, her legs were still weak. She ran forward and accidentally fell.

Lu Xinwei didn't care about these things, she didn't care about her dusty skirt, she got up and continued to run away quickly.

It was past six in the morning.

So after seven o'clock in the morning, when many people walked out of the house, squeezed onto the bus, found a good seat, yawned and took out their mobile phones, ready to kill the time on the way to work...

Everyone was so shocked by the latest news on the Internet that they lost all sleepiness and woke up instantly.

Lu Xinwei walked out of the obstetrics and gynecology hospital in a daze, suspected of being pregnant!
Because the news was so shocking, and it was early in the morning rushing to release the scoop, Yu Ji didn't even bother to think about fancy headlines.

Anyway, with the words Lu Xinwei and pregnancy, this revelation is enough to grab attention!
That's right, the place where Guan Xingrui left Lu Xinwei this morning is a 24-hour private obstetrics and gynecology hospital...

Lu Xinwei was only concerned about how to prevent someone from torturing her, and forgot to turn around and look at the building behind her, what sign was on it...

After being tossed all night, there was no blood left on her face, and her eyes were more dazed than usual, but because she was full, she still had the strength to walk.

The combination of these two, the state of looking at it, is the best example of being lost...
The signboard of the xx Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, as well as the advertisement banner hanging next to the hospital that said painless abortion only takes 3 minutes, coupled with her expression... the picture accompanying this news is really blinding.

Netizens got excited early in the morning...

Her publicity team is going crazy.

Immediately jumped out and denied the pregnancy rumors.

But the netizens didn't believe it at all. She ran to such a remote private hospital so early in the morning without being pregnant?
Moreover, this place is too far away from the Lanshan crew, so they have to go out after three o'clock in the middle of the night, right?

Besides, how to explain Lu Xinwei's lost soul expression?

Now it's useless to produce all kinds of laboratory tests, even if people from this hospital come out to testify.
Who is willing to mess with the Lu family?When Miss Lu made an order, didn't the people in the hospital have to come out to help her lie and cover it up?
Netizens have said that we all know...
Forget about others, in this day and age, pregnancy without marriage is not something that can cause much sensation. Even if the celebrity's love life is more concerned, if she suddenly becomes pregnant, netizens will guess who the father of the child is, but it will be lively for a while. Why did you mention it.

But when this news happened to Lu Xinwei, it was completely different.

Because her identity is not only a star, but also the daughter of the Lu family who she talks about all day long.

Wealthy family, there are so many rules that are overwhelming, you can’t wait to chew a bite of food before you can swallow it, but you also have to set rules, and you have to show their dignity and different superiority in every way. Super big family...

(End of this chapter)

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