my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 233 This is the real black belly

Chapter 233 This is the real black belly ([-])

Although not all families are like this, according to rumors, the Lu family is like this...

If she had a boyfriend with a stable relationship, Lu Xinwei would not be so frightened by the pregnancy. The child must have been conceived by accident!

Maybe she was pregnant when she was out fooling around... Otherwise, why would her face be so pale with fright, as if her soul had disappeared?

Those onlookers can guess it, and the Lu family who are familiar with her can guess it even more!
Can the Lu family accept that she lost such a big person?

Could this be considered a wealthy scandal?Will the Lu family be furious because of this and use some means to punish her?

Really wait and see...

Onlookers expressed their enjoyment.

The bodyguards who had already returned to the Lanshan crew watched happily.

Didn't have a chance to attack my sister-in-law, so I just targeted my sister-in-law's fans?

Thinking that he has a well-planned plan and can definitely frame Cheng's sister-in-law?
What does it mean to have convincing evidence that is hard to tell whether it is life or death?

You are now!

No matter how hard you try, the boss will never let the sister-in-law be wronged in the slightest, but let's see who can save you now!
At your rank, you still want to play with the boss?
Let you see what it's really like to play dead without mercy!
Lu Xinwei really caused a big disaster...

Dai Yong and his son hurried to Lanshan, but they didn't see Yuan Yuan and they waited anxiously for their return.

Even knowing that the matter was settled and no one would wrong their original wish, they still didn't dare to leave.

After all, the problem is the food...

In the future, should we send someone to watch over it, even if Sister Yuan gave the food to others, they should strictly guard it so that similar things don't happen again?
In fact, this matter has nothing to do with them... But because they were too afraid of a certain foster husband, Dai Yong and his son took the initiative to take the responsibility on them.

The next morning, after Lu Xinwei's news came out, they hadn't seen Guan Xingrui yet, but they received a call from Lu's family.

Lu Xinwei would never have imagined that the Lu family she had been talking about would finally show up in this way...

The Lu family is very large, and because its hotels are spread all over the world, the members of the family live in scattered places, but strictly speaking, the person who is in charge of the Lu family now, Lu Xinwei's grandfather lives in Switzerland, it should be regarded as the real residence of the Lu family.

This call was made by Mr. Lu's life secretary, who entrusted the Dai escort Lu Xinwei's brother to the plane back to Switzerland.

And...they also entrusted Dai's family to sell Lu Xinwei's house in City A, and her jewelry and cars as antiques...anyway, all valuable things were packaged and sealed.

As for freezing the credit card, I don't need the Dai family's help...
A common method used by rich and powerful families to punish family members is to cut off financial assistance.

And this should be regarded as a probationary period, if something happened to Lu Xinwei during this period, it would not just be a matter of not paying money.

But for Lu Xinwei now, this is a devastating punishment...

All kinds of remarks made by netizens made her go crazy, and her family suddenly cut off her source of income. She had already spent all of the prepaid salary for Director Ye's new play, and now she has no money at all!

She is in the crew, and she can't take other jobs, so where can she get money!
Her brother was taken back, and the assistant that his brother sent to her that she could trust had just been pushed out by her to surrender, and he is still in the detention center...

If things go on like this, she can really consider living by stealing mobile phones...

(End of this chapter)

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