my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 236 2 Overcome Hooligans

Chapter 236: The Second Defeat of Hooligans ([-])
Yuan Yuan had already supported his forehead with his hands at this time, but Brother Long still remembered the amazing glance just now, his eyes seemed to be glued to Yuan Yuan, he walked over a few steps, and asked with a salivating smile, "Beauty, can you have a meal with me? "
Because it was in a Chinese restaurant, Yuan Yuan also seemed to be of Chinese descent, and he asked in Chinese.

He seemed to be asking politely, but his hand touched Yuan Yuan's face directly.


Yuanyuan hasn't learned this literary word yet, but she has a little foundation in Chinese now, and she can roughly guess what it is talking about by looking at the literal meaning and context.

So Yuan Yuan avoided his salty pig hands and looked at him strangely, "Why do you want me to reward you with face, don't you have any face yourself?"

Qi Xiuyuan, who was about to stand up, sat down silently.

He seemed to understand why the bodyguards didn't show up in a hurry...

A hooligan of this level, wishing he could kill him instantly...

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked by the original wish, and Brother Long also froze with a lewd smile, unable to believe what he heard.

Only the woman with heavy make-up snuggling next to Brother Long still has normal thinking ability.
She looked at Yuan Yuan's face jealously, and sneered, "What an insolent tone! Do you know who this is, she is such an ignorant woman!"

Yuan Yuan didn't understand her thinking, "There are billions of people on the earth, and there are many people I don't know. Why do I have to know who he is? He is not an important person."

Both of them are so weird.

Originally wished to eat the last bite of wonton noodles, and felt that there are so many weird people now.

"You..." Brother Long thought she was insulting on purpose, his face changed color suddenly, and he waved viciously, "Smash me!"

"Wait." Yuan Yuan raised a hand to stop.

Although the skinny wrist she raised had no deterrent effect, but her tone was too calm and calm...

Especially since her left hand was still in her pocket, she didn't know what to do.

Brother Long's little brother also started to be afraid. Could it be that he wants to take a gun?Otherwise, why are you so calm?

Just so hesitant, he was actually stopped by the original wish.

Yuanyuan's left hand was still in his pocket, he touched it carefully, hesitated for a moment, "Okay, I won't have to pay the bill if you smash it, I don't seem to have a wallet with me."

Then he got up with a sigh of relief.

The luggage was handed over to Er Er to take it back to the hotel, and I didn't have any money on me, so I'll come back later to pay back the money.

The waiters are in tears, Miss, we hear you...

Being interrupted by the original wish, Brother Long also calmed down a little.

He will have to mess around in the future, and let people know that he is not successful in molesting but will be laughed at, so he asks his subordinates to beat up a little girl in broad daylight, and they will be laughed at to death.

But if he let go of his original wish like this, he would never agree.

Looking Yuan Yuan's eyes up and down, Brother Long let out a sinister grin, and slammed down his bowl-sized fist so hard that the frosted glass on the table cracked.

Originally wished to see that he had really messed up, so he was relieved to escape (...), and was ready to run away.

At this time, Brother Long took a watermelon knife from the younger brother behind him, pulled it across the table next to him, and slashed the knife amidst the exclamation of other customers in the store, and the knife fell between the two tables.

"I used this knife balabala back then..."

Brother Long began to talk endlessly about his experience from being a gangster to being the boss of this street. After bragging, he threatened——

(End of this chapter)

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