my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 237 2 Overcome Hooligans

Chapter 237 The Second Defeat of Hooligans ([-])
"I'd like to see who can get out of here today!"

It's not an important person, hearing him talk so wordy, Yuan Yuan has long been distracted.

After hearing the last sentence, she felt that she understood that this was an obstacle, who could pass?
Reaching out to tie up her long hair so as not to get it dirty, Yuan Yuan said to herself, "So it's an exam."
As he spoke, he turned over the sharp watermelon knife with a cartwheel calmly, and left...

really left...

Although I don't learn to dance anymore, the basic skills have not been neglected, and I have been practicing.

Besides, what she's doing now is also acting, and she can use her previous dance foundation.

I just don’t understand why someone suddenly jumps out to take this test~
What the answer is, Yuan Yuan doesn't care too much, just ask a question casually, and forget it.

When you are full, go back and play Er Er!
Yuan Yuan walked out of the restaurant in a good mood.
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Brother Long couldn't go back on his word, he could only watch the original wish go away.

Although the faces of him and his younger brother were petrified and were about to split apart...

Qi Xiuyuan almost cracked the bottle of Erguotou in his hand.

just go...


This brother Long was so angry that he was not beaten...

Qi Xiuyuan wanted to cry so much that after he went back, he could make a plan and let Yuan Yuan publish a book.

Even without the popularity of the original wish, the content of the book alone will definitely sell well...
He has already thought up the slogan of the book——

"Since I became a second child, my mother no longer has to worry about me being bullied when I go out!"
(┬_┬) I really want to cry.

Qi Xiuyuan also bypassed the two tables with horizontal knives, caught up with Yuan Yuan and went back to the hotel, and the restaurant returned to calm.

Brother Long's younger brother immediately suggested in a low voice, "Brother Long, shall I tie that woman back?"
Yuan Yuan is well-known in China, but people like Long Ge and the others who have lived abroad for a long time and have no plans to return to China do not pay attention to domestic entertainment news at all, so they do not know who Yuan Yuan is.
"...Tie what to tie!" Brother Long actually disagreed, and although he reprimanded him in a low voice, he could hear a hint of fear in that voice.

The woman following him didn't hear the hidden fear, she was still jealous of Yuan Yuan's face, and whispered, "Brother Long, that woman is so ignorant, you let Ah Bao and the others catch her back, and I will teach her a lesson for you." ..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Brother Long slapped him ferociously, "It's too long-winded to say I can't arrest you! Damn, you want to kill me, don't you! In a few days, it will be Mr. E six years ago... to rectify On the anniversary of the gangster, haven't you heard Mr. E's rule that he is not allowed to bully ordinary people?"

When Brother Long mentioned the word "rectify", he stuttered obviously, before he found the most peaceful word.
It's okay to be arrogant and arrogant in this small restaurant, but at this juncture, you still want him to cause trouble on the street?!
Brother Long was furiously cursing people in the restaurant, while on the other hand, Yuan Yuan had already returned to the hotel, and while taking a shower, he asked her Tong Yangfu, "Two Er, it's almost your birthday, how are you doing this year?"

A certain Tong foster husband calmly helped her apply body wash, and glanced at her, "I'm so young, I haven't even had my birthday yet."

The original wish was dissatisfied, "But you celebrate my birthday every year, and I am two years younger than you. I am 22 this year!"

(End of this chapter)

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