my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 239 About Zhang Yi when I was a child

Chapter 239 About Childhood Memories ([-])

He looked at Guan Xingrui's deliberately disguised listless back after changing his face, but he was shocked suddenly, and realized that something was wrong.

What "come back the day"?
The two have known each other for 17 years, and they have too many memories together. I am afraid that the number of rains they have escaped together is innumerable. How can it be possible to remember so clearly every time?

Besides, as I wished to mention just now, Uncle Tong Yangfu found that the pocket money she brought was not enough.

Yuan Yuan has always been a big fool when it comes to money. All the money she carries is given to her by her child adoptive husband. It is probably even more so when she was a child. Guan Xingrui should know how much Yuan Yuan has in her pocket.

So... Could it be that these two people were separated before?
Where did Uncle Tong Yangfu go? What they said just now was what happened the day he came back?
From the moment they boarded the plane, the bodyguards disappeared, and it was unknown where they were scattered for protection.

Now Guan Xingrui got out of the car to buy hot chocolate, and there were only Yuan Yuan and Qi Xiuyuan in the car.

Qi Xiuyuan hesitated for a few seconds before asking her, "You...why do you bring so little pocket money?"

Start with the insurance, not-so-private questions.

In the form that Xia Tian's artist needs to fill out when entering the company, one of the forms is the parents' occupation.

Xia Tian was kind and honest, he didn't dig into the artist's privacy that much, he didn't need to fill in the names of his parents and his current place of residence, he just filled in a general career direction, so that they could define the image of the artist.
The original wish was for business.

Although he never asked, he always felt that...Guan Xingrui grew up in Yuan Yuan's parents, and could raise this "multi-talented" uncle... Yuan Yuan's family should be in a good position.

Not to mention the powerful skills of Uncle Tong Yangfu, just from the information disclosed by Yuan Yuan before, she learned piano with her Tong Yangfu when she was a child, and she can afford two children to learn piano, even if she is not a rich person, At least I'm sure I'm not struggling.

Could it be that the children are strictly controlled, so the pocket money for the original wish is very little?
"I'm afraid I'll run out of money." Yuan Yuan's answer was very simple.

"... What flowers are gone?" Qi Xiuyuan didn't understand.

"Er Er hasn't come back yet. I didn't know how to make money at that time, and I was afraid that the money would run out."

This time the original wish was explained in detail, but Qi Xiuyuan was still confused, so he blurted out, "What about your parents?"
After asking, he regretted it.

He thought... he already knew the answer.

I originally wanted to pick the safest question, but I didn't expect to ask a big taboo.

Sure enough, Yuan Yuan bit her lip, "My parents passed away when I was ten years old."


"Why are you sorry?" Yuan Yuan didn't understand, "It's not your fault."

"...I just want to say that I shouldn't bring up this topic."

"Why, are you afraid that I will be sad?"

Probably because I have talked about this topic with someone before, and I hope that this time it is rare to understand the thinking of normal people.

But her reaction was also different from others.

"Why are you sad? Er Er said that the two of them have always loved each other, and they were with each other when they passed away. Besides, I still have Er Er. My parents knew that Er Er would take good care of me, so they didn't worry about it." It's over, they walked away very peacefully, so I don't want to be sad, so that my parents can't feel at ease."

Qi Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, "...Your Tong Yangfu is right."

Originally wished to be ten years old... Then Guan Xingrui was only 12 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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