my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 240 About Zhang Yi when I was a child

Chapter 240 About Childhood Memories ([-])

Judging from Guan Xingrui's current temper, he must have looked like a precocious little adult when he was a child. Sure enough, in order not to make Yuan Yuan sad, he thought of the most appropriate way to comfort him.

But Yuan Yuan did not hear that she had other relatives. According to American law, two underage children should not live alone, but Yuan Yuan did not say that she was in an orphanage or adopted by other families.

Especially Guan Xingrui seemed to have been away for a while.

And the meaning of the original wish, her parents seem to have passed away together, so it must not be due to illness, but some accident?
Qi Xiuyuan had a lot of questions in his mind, but he just asked a casual question, and he got such an answer, and now he can't ask any more random questions.

When Guan Xingrui bought the hot chocolate and came back, he silently started the car again and drove towards the commercial shooting site.

There was no words all the way, and the strange couple didn't have any language communication, just you and I finished a cup of hot chocolate one by one.

...and drink another glass after you finish drinking.

Obviously bought two glasses, but still want to drink so intimately!

While waiting for the traffic light, Qi Xiuyuan silently picked up the cup of hot chocolate that Tong's foster husband gave him, took a sip, thought about it, and took another sip at another location.

He can also play two roles, pretending that someone drinks with him!

... Well, his little assistant was right, he has indeed changed recently.

This discovery made Qi Xiuyuan very sad.

But what really made him sad was still behind...

Arriving at the destination more than 20 minutes earlier, Qi Xiuyuan got out of the car, but stood outside the car and waited for almost a minute, but the two people in the back seat did not come out.

Wanting to see what happened to the two of them, I turned around and pulled the car door... Why is the car door locked?!
Qi Xiuyuan was in grief and indignation, what are those two doing!Not so exciting for singletons!
These two... are continuing their childhood memories.

Guan Xingrui did leave for a while, and before leaving, he made a two-year agreement with Yuan Yuan.

In the end, he came back half a year early, and after eighteen months of separation, he reappeared by Yuan Yuan's side.

At that time, her foster husband was only two years older than her.

The two stayed in the car, just after drinking the hot chocolate that day, they continued to relive their first kiss when they met again.

The taste of chocolate has not changed, it is as sweet as ever, but this kiss...

Yuan Yuan touched his lips and recalled seriously, "I remember that my mouth was bitten by you."

A certain Tong foster husband embraced his fiancée, gave another fiery long kiss, and then said calmly, "The writing in the book is too general, and I didn't understand it at the time."

In particular, he still didn't understand the book he bought temporarily on the plane when he went back to find Xinxin.

"That's right, what's written in the book is too abstract." Yuan Yuan agrees with this point.

The topic began to develop in a shameless direction...

The original wish was generous, and a certain uncle answered calmly, "I still don't understand what is written in the book. I have drawn the action decomposition diagram for a long time."

With the failure experience of the first kiss...

(End of this chapter)

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