my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 241 About Zhang Yi when I was a child

Chapter 241 About Childhood Memories ([-])

On the day of Yuanyuan's birthday, before the two had sex for the first time... this old man made a very thorough preparation.

Yuan Yuan was depressed when she heard it, "But I also drew an exploded diagram later!"

After rolling once, she was very curious about this matter, and tried to draw an action decomposition diagram, trying to clarify this problem.

But Erer gave her examples and demonstrations, and she still hasn't figured it out yet!
A certain uncle glanced at her and directly pointed out the problem, "Because of you two."

"It's not," Yuan Yuan protested

So the "quarrel" ended again, and the two got out of the car calmly...

Qi Xiuyuan looked left and right... Both of them looked calm, without even a little blush on their faces, maybe he was thinking too much, didn't the two of them do anything incompatible in the car?

Qi Xiuyuan didn't know, he thought too little...

CF's advertisement for this season was shot at the private villa of Davies, CF's owner and chief designer.

They arrived ahead of schedule, and the filming team was making preliminary preparations. Davis didn't show up, and it was said that he was receiving guests.

Why is the guest coming so early?

Qi Xiuyuan was not so gossip, this question just flashed in his mind and he didn't go into it.

A few minutes later, a royal blue sports car drove into the villa, and Virgil, the idol of the original wish, appeared.

Qi Xiuyuan's eyelids twitched instantly, and he looked at the two people around him defensively, fearing that they might overreact.


I finally saw my idol in person, but Yuan Yuan acted as if he hadn't seen it. He only briefly raised his head because of the sound of the roaring engine of the sports car, and then continued to look down at the movie.

But the tablet she held in her hand was clearly showing the movie that won Virgil the Oscar statuette... Just because Qi Xiuyuan saw it, he wished to watch this movie no less than five times.

The real person is right in front of her, but she is still staring at the movie!

Qi Xiuyuan was worried that she would be a nymphomaniac before, but now he felt that she was committing another crime, and he didn't realize what happened at all.

"Your idol is here." He reminded Yuanyuan in a low voice.

"I saw it."

"...Then why didn't you respond?"

"Why should there be a reaction?" Yuan Yuan asked him inexplicably.

"..." Qi Xiuyuan choked, and said with difficulty, "But seeing someone you like..."

Yuanyuan interrupted him, "The person I like is Erer."

"...I know you like your foster husband Tong, but isn't Virgil your idol, don't you like him?"

Idols, of course, are people who both admire and like.

Yuan Yuan couldn't understand even more, "I have a second, why do I still like others?"

"..." I'm asking you these questions because my head is flooded...(┬_┬)
Qi Xiuyuan shook his head sadly.

Might as well throw some water out?Anyway, as long as you don't throw out a fish...

(End of this chapter)

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