my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 243 The Identity of the Uncle

Chapter 243 The identity of the uncle ([-])
But Qi Xiuyuan didn't pay attention, his mind is full of one question now——

"Mr. Sui is here..."

In a word, it seemed to ask about Sui Yi's sadness.

The gentle smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a touch of detachment that sees through life and death.

Looking into the distance, Sui Yi said slowly, "Buy clothes."

A drop of cold sweat trickled down Qi Xiuyuan's forehead.

The atmosphere suddenly became so heavy that he thought something serious had happened...

Probably seeing Qi Xiuyuan's thoughts, Sui Yi suddenly asked him, "Do you know what it's like to buy men's clothes for your fiancée?"

"...Neutral dressing is very popular now, and some girls look handsome in men's clothing." Qi Xiuyuan considered his words carefully.
Sui Yi shook his head calmly, "But he was originally a man."

“…”((‵□′)) What?!
"Of course, that's what I thought."

"..." Don't pant when you speak... Qi Xiuyuan heaved a sigh of relief.
But Sui Yi didn't say anything, and explained his mental journey calmly, "I thought my fiancée was a man since I was a child, and I didn't realize that I was wrong until last night."

Actually a misunderstanding?Qi Xiuyuan was about to wipe off his cold sweat and feel lucky for Sui Yi, when Sui Yi continued to tell him calmly——
"He's a rascal."

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."@[email protected]
So what did your male "fiancée" do to you last night!Why did you just find out he was a hooligan!
He really wants to know...

But after saying this, Sui Yi carried a lot of men's clothes and left with detached eyes... 
The truth is so heavy and shocking... Even those who had such a second wish were infected by Sui Yi's tragedy. He waved his hand, "Brother Ding, goodbye."

Qi Xiuyuan's nerves were shaken by Sui Yi's few words, and now he urgently needed to talk about something else, so he immediately asked her, "... His surname is Ding?" Sui Yi is a pseudonym?
"No, 'ding' is the 'ding' of Tinker Bell."

Yuan Yuan said seriously, "He is a robot cat."

"..." Forget it, he doesn't understand the metaphor of a bastard...

Qi Xiuyuan had no choice but to find safe topics and continue to heal his nerves, "Sui Yi is much older than you?"

Nowadays, no one wants to be called the older generation. According to the usual speaking habits, people who are two or three years younger usually call them by their first names. This is the first time he has heard that he would like to call someone x Big Brother.

Sui Yi's too unique, that ancient charm is deeply rooted in his bones, and definitely not formed overnight.

It is estimated that even when he was a child, he looked like he had just stepped out of an ink painting, with a fresh and elegant charm all over him.

So just looking at his face, it is really impossible to guess his age, and it is possible to be in his 30s.

"No, brother Ding is three years older than me, but I've known him since I was a child, so I'm used to it."

"...When I was a kid again?"

Sui Yi's identity must be unusual, Uncle Tong Yangfu knew him so early, so Uncle Tong Yangfu's background is also unusual?
Qi Xiuyuan couldn't hold back his curiosity, and always wanted to inquire about a certain uncle's background.

The original wish did not hide it, "Yeah, Erer was leaving at that time, and he was worried about letting me live by myself, so I was handed over to Brother Ding to take care of me. Brother Ding was the neighbor of the new house we moved to at that time."

"..." Nonsense!
(End of this chapter)

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