my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 244 The Identity of the Uncle

Chapter 244 The identity of the uncle ([-])
Yitong's adoptive husband is so precious to Yuanyuan, how could he casually hand her over to a neighbor he just met to take care of?
Besides, Sui Yi was also a half-grown child at the time, how could he have the ability to take care of others?

After thinking for a long time, Qi Xiuyuan realized that the more he knew, the less he could understand their experiences abroad. In the end, he had to tell himself that the strange world is different...

As soon as Davis was out, a large crowd could be ready to go to work.

The makeup artist has already begun to apply makeup to the two protagonists, but they can't understand Chinese anyway, so there is no need to shy away from these conversations.
Davis stood aside, briefly said a few requirements to the makeup artist, and then directed the staff on the set.

But his eyes sneaked a glance at Yuan Yuan from time to time.

Davis looks like a demon in the first place, and as a designer, his attire is really... a bit maverick.

Qi Xiuyuan looked at his clothes that exposed most of his chest, and then at his pair of blue eyes sparkling with peach blossoms...I always feel that those eyes are...very bad housewife.
So he moved his steps calmly, trying to block his original wish.

Unexpectedly, when he moved, Davis suddenly glanced at him, then walked up to him a few steps, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qi? Can you get an autograph from Miss Yuan for me?"


Qi Xiuyuan blurted out a question, only to realize later that he not only asked a silly word, but also asked in Chinese...

Clearing his throat quickly, he replied in English, "Why?"

Davis was more surprised than his reaction, "Does this still need to be asked? Of course it is..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, looked suspiciously at Qi Xiuyuan, waved his hands, turned and left.

"...Wait!" Qi Xiuyuan now understands that the original wish has not been popular abroad, even if it is really popular, just now that Davis dared to let the Oscar winner sit and wait for him, he will know. The status of the world, it is not so cautious, but also through him to get the original wish to sign.

The only explanation is... Davis knew that she was Guan Xingrui's fiancee, so he was very curious about her and valued her!
Qi Xiuyuan caught up with Davis a few steps away, and wanted to ask him about the identity of Uncle Tong's foster husband.

Davis obviously understood his plan, he couldn't dodge it, and he couldn't do anything to his original manager. He stopped suddenly, turned around, and fell into Qi Xiuyuan's arms bonelessly, his blue eyes deftly thrown away. She winked, "What's the matter?"
Qi Xiuyuan: "..." QAQ, he also saw the male hooligan!

Poor Qi Xiuyuan was frightened... Leaving the monster in his arms, he turned around and ran away...

Yuan Yuan sat on the sidelines and waited for someone to apply layer by layer on her face. Filming commercials is the same as being on the stage. It looks like light makeup, but in fact, I don’t know how many layers are applied. It is very time-consuming to put on makeup.

She can't move around now, so while watching Qi Xiuyuan, she finds time to discuss with her foster husband what to have for dinner and where to go for a walk.

There are many memories of their growing up together in this city, and there are many places where they can revisit the old places, and the two discussed it with great interest.

at this time--

After a loud noise, the carved iron gate outside the villa was knocked over by a heavy truck that came suddenly, but the truck drove in without stopping, creaked and ran over the iron gate, and drove directly into the carefully maintained yard. lawn.

It seems to be the precursor of the massacre in the underworld blockbuster.

(End of this chapter)

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