my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 245 The Identity of the Uncle

Chapter 245 The identity of the uncle ([-])
A large group of people were dumbfounded by the sudden change. People in the direction of the car ran away screaming, and the yard was in chaos.
I wish they put their makeup on in a corner of the yard, but it's safe now.

Virgil's driver was also his bodyguard. He was nearly two meters tall, and his tower-like body immediately stood in front of the panicked Virgil.

The make-up artist also shivered and hid under the table. No one put on makeup for her. She wished she didn't have to straighten her neck all the time. She stretched her sore shoulders, looked at the truck that just broke in, and then lowered her head and fiddled with it. got off the phone, and scrolled through Weibo in boredom...
She was calm, and Guan Xingrui was as calm as her, and made a gesture calmly to stop his subordinates from showing up.

The truck finally stopped when it was about to hit the angel fountain in the center of the yard. The man sitting in the driver's seat stretched out one hand out of the window and snapped his fingers in the air arrogantly.

After receiving the order, rows of burly men stood up on the back of the truck, wearing camouflage pants, black tight-fitting T-shirts, and even wearing black masks like bank robbers, with only eyes, nostrils and mouth exposed. The black muzzle of the gun in his hand pointed directly at the people in the yard.

Seeing this battle for the first time, Qi Xiuyuan frowned silently, and found that he was still basically calm.

Sure enough, his nerves have been tempered by a certain uncle...

It is said that Davis is backed by the mafia. It seems that they were unlucky today and caught up with the gangsters.

If these burly men with guns want to silence them, then there is no need to cover up. Thinking of this, Qi Xiuyuan felt a little more at ease, but he still stood forward and tried to block Yuanyuan's body as unobtrusively as possible. forward.

Otherwise, the appearance of the original wish is too eye-catching, if someone takes a fancy to it and insists on taking it away by force, it will be miserable.

This little action made the bodyguards who were hiding in the dark grateful in their hearts.

With the boss around, the sister-in-law didn't have to worry about being harassed by perverts, but Qi Xiuyuan's conscientious protection still moved them very much.

Brother Qi is really a good person.

Davis was not in a hurry to ask his subordinates to do something, nor did he ask who the other party was. He sneered on his thin lips, "It will be the anniversary of Mr. E's rectification of the gang in a few days. It is really brave to dare to make trouble at this time!"

With a "bang", the door of the truck was kicked open, and a brown-haired man jumped down arrogantly, laughing wildly, "Mr. E's rules are not to bully ordinary people, are you an ordinary person?"

The brown-haired man looked Davis up and down, and his eyes turned around several times on his overly gorgeous and flamboyant face, "If you are sensible, follow me to see our lady!"

Unexpectedly, there was a woman who wanted to rape him, disgust flashed in Davis' eyes, and he still didn't ask who the other party was, "Even if I like men, I don't like that shitty lady of yours!"
But the brown-haired man laughed triumphantly, "I advise you to take back what you just said! Because... even Mr. E once courted my lady!"


The bodyguards were watching a show, and they almost spurted blood when they heard the words.

Mr. E?
That Mr. E, code-named ER, who frightened countless their boss!
ER is the pinyin of "two"... But the boss has only pretended to be a sister-in-law since he was a child, so how could he pursue others!
Who is this brown-haired man?How dare you brag about this kind of bullshit.


Recommend the address of the author of "The Allure: The Sweet Concubine with Dual Personalities" at Luoxue Shifen
(End of this chapter)

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