my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 246 Mr. E's Secret

Chapter 246 Mr. E's Secret ([-])
Davis obviously didn't believe it either, and sneered coldly, "I've never heard of it!"

What is Mr. E's status? If he really chased a woman, wouldn't the news spread all over the world?How many people will rush forward to please Mr. E's sweetheart.
The brown-haired man had been prepared for a long time, turned around proudly and took out a rolled-up poster-like paper, and unfolded it, revealing the enlarged letter.


Someone faintly exclaimed, and the faces of all the people present changed color.
Although Mr. E never showed his face, everyone could recognize his handwriting.

Because at the gates of each gang headquarters, there are ... numbers written by Mr. E himself.

They are only eligible to get a number...

Simple numerical numbers are not easy to manage, so the numbers are mixed with English letters and numbers according to the area and size of the gang.

Looking at the letter written in English again, the handwriting is very similar, coupled with the firm attitude of the brown-haired man, even though the letter did not have a header or a signature, everyone really began to believe it.

The bodyguards were also dumbfounded.
Boss Emma, ​​you secretly wrote a love letter to your sister-in-law! ! !Don't show it to your sister-in-law after you finish writing it!You moron!
And this love letter is in English, it seems that it was written by the boss when he was young.

For the eldest, Chinese is a taboo. From the age of five, he never used it at all, until it returned to normal.

So this love letter may have been written during the year and a half when the boss and sister-in-law separated?
...But why did it run into the hands of this woman who wanted to rob Davis?

Guan Xingrui obviously recognized the letter, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The brown-haired man was very satisfied with the shock of the crowd, shook his hands, put away the poster with the love letter printed on it, and arrogantly compared the crowd in the lower house, "Davis, my lady just wants to invite you to dinner, If you insist on being ignorant... these people will pay the price for your stupidity!"

Davis's face became even uglier, and he pursed his lips tightly, restraining himself from yelling.

The brown-haired man has many subordinates, but there are also many bodyguards in the villa. The two parties are actually evenly matched.

May wish to be here!

Afraid of attracting the brown-haired man's attention, Davis didn't dare to look in the direction of his original wish, but he kept thinking about this woman who made Mr. E willing to stand up for her in person.

It is too easy to cause accidental injury, if the two parties accidentally hurt Yuanyuan, he will not be able to pay for it with a few heads!
Reluctantly, Davis didn't dare to let his subordinates do anything. With a stiff face, he got into the truck of the brown-haired man.

"Hahaha, you're smart!" The brown-haired man laughed wildly, and waved his hand again, "Beat all of these people!"

Immediately another truck drove in outside the courtyard, and a group of men with guns jumped out, forcing everyone to get on the truck.
It seems that this group of people had already prepared for today. They knew that there would be many outsiders at Davis's house today, so they specially picked this day to come to the house, so that they could take a large number of hostages and hold Davis hostage.

"Will the news of Xinxin's kidnapping affect her?" Guan Xingrui asked Qi Xiuyuan calmly.

"...No." Qi Xiuyuan paused, looking at the sky speechlessly, "You can still use this opportunity to hype it up. With this topic, I wish I could attend fewer promotional activities and spend more time with you."

Qi Xiuyuan looked at the sky very firmly, so as not to see Yuanyuan's happy reaction...

(End of this chapter)

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