my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 250 Natural 2 vs Dumb

Chapter 250 Natural [-] vs Dumb ([-])

Tina's back froze from the heavy oppression, and the excitement in her mind disappeared before she realized something was wrong.

She looked at the intact siren on the window, and then at the green signal in her room indicating that the villa's alarm system was operating normally, and finally understood how capable the "0719" in front of her was, so she could break in without anyone noticing. .

A terrible conjecture gradually took shape in her heart, and Tina opened her eyes wide in horror, " are ER! You are Mr. E!"

"...How is it possible! You were just a backup killer in the Orange Gang back then, it's impossible..." Tina comforted herself, and then she denied it incoherently, "But you actually managed to break in, through such strict security measures... ..."

"I asked……"

Guan Xingrui said these two words for the third time.

This time Tina shivered suddenly, not daring to let him waste time repeating, she shook her head frantically, "No, I haven't told anyone!"

After finishing speaking, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the carpet, staring blankly at the ten bodyguards who followed him in, and then turned his eyes back to Guan Xingrui's face, "You really are..."

She suddenly remembered that Andrew told her as a joke before that 0719 joined the Orange Gang for some reason.

What is the reason for that?
After so many years, she can't remember it at all. She only knows that six years ago, the underworld was reshuffled. Mr. E, code-named ER, was the first to be wiped out by the Orange Gang...

Andrew and his son were killed in that shootout, and only the father and son should have seen the roster of the Orange Gang's prepared killers.

In other words, she is now the only person in the world who knows that Mr. E is from the Orange Gang...

Did she know some big forbidden secret?
This time Tina didn't even dare to say that sentence in full, and defended with a pale face, "Believe me, how could I tell others who wrote that letter just to brag? I really didn't tell anyone. Pass!"

She dared to send her subordinates directly to Davis's house to kidnap someone, but she was terrified of the frightening Mr. E in the fable.

But at the moment of life and death, she still had the courage to beg for mercy, "... If you are worried, you can lock me up. I beg you, don't kill me. Everyone says you are fair and strict, and you hate killing innocent people the most. I... I I haven't done any big bad things, I just like to look at beautiful men, I swear, I have never tied any man back except Davis, I just look at them...I tied Davis because...he Too beautiful."

Bodyguards: "..."

This is the real nympho...
Probably because of the two examples of Lan Xiaoxiao and Lu Xinwei first, although this eldest lady of the Blue Wolf Gang is a bit stupid and brags about their boss's love letter, she is really not a big treacherous person.

Tina misunderstood the weird expressions of the bodyguards, and she was so frightened that her face was ashen, and she burst into tears.

Guan Xingrui didn't have the intention to stay any longer, so he gestured to the bodyguards and turned the window to leave.

The bodyguards started working immediately, "Don't worry, our boss will not kill you."

But the matter is very important, even if Tina seems to be just a nympho, she must not be taken lightly, they still have to lock her up first.

The rumors are not false, Davis is indeed backed by the mafia, and almost an hour after they were arrested, the leaders of several other major gangs in New York came to ask Tina's father to give them face, and put Dai Wes let it out.

(End of this chapter)

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