my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 251 Natural 2 vs Dumb

Chapter 251 Natural [-] vs Dumb ([-])

Only then did Tina's father realize that his daughter was messing around, and he ordered his subordinates to release them in a cold sweat. When he sent those leaders away and planned to teach his daughter a lesson, he discovered that her daughter had disappeared.

Tina left a letter in the room, saying that she was afraid that her father would punish her, so she took all the jewelry and planned to escape for a few years.

Of course, this letter was written by Tina, one of Tong's servants.

But when she heard that she was able to save her life, Tina felt that she was very lucky. At that time, she was very relaxed and her handwriting was stable. Just by looking at the letterhead, it was absolutely impossible to tell that it was written under duress.

So Tina's father didn't notice anything was wrong, he just sighed secretly that he had spoiled his daughter, and asked his men to go down and try to chase her back.

At the same time, Tina had already been transported back to the country by a certain uncle's subordinates through a special channel, and sent to Young Master Yan for custody...

Young Master Yan's site is filled with too many high-tech instruments, not to mention Tina, even their boss's skills, they dare not say that they can break through.

Such a place is just right for detaining people.

In fact, Qi Xiuyuan and the others are alright, but today the others were really shocked.

So although it was still early, today's shooting plan had to be cancelled, and everyone went back to rest.
What happened on this day was not a surprise, but it shocked Guan Xingrui a lot. After he came back, he kept his original wish and kept silent.

This time, it was entirely his luck. Tina had been sending people to look for him. If she did find him, she happened to see him with Xinxin, and told others as news...the consequences would be terrible.
When he returned to the hotel, Guan Xingrui fell on the bed with his original wish.

The original wish has always been ambiguous, but she can clearly see her Tong Yangfu's emotional changes. He has long seen that he is in a bad mood, so he hugs him quietly, and occasionally kisses him like a child. forehead.

"Xinxin, tell me something."

Guan Xingrui paused, and then took the initiative to find a topic for her, "When I went out today, what did you do?"

He doesn't want to know everything in gossip, but now he really wants to hear what his heart has to say.

"Yeah," Yuan Yuan nodded and turned into a chatterbox, "I'm checking Weibo, but there are many people lying to me on Weibo."

"Lie to you?"

"Yeah, they all pretended to be the organizer of the confession contest, and asked me to answer a lot of weird questions."

Because of participating in the confession contest, I originally hoped that the number of fans on Weibo that "I have a 100" skyrocketed from single digits to almost [-] million.

The enthusiasm of the netizens was high, but apart from participating in the competition, Yuanyuan never posted original Weibo, so they had nothing to watch if they wanted to watch.

However, in order to attract more people's attention, the organizer dragged out the competition schedule for an incomparably long time. The third round of the competition is still far away. Netizens don't count on the organizer anymore, so they start pretending to be the official Weibo, asking all kinds of questions every day circle original wish...

Yuan Yuan gave an example dissatisfied, "For example, many people asked me, what should I do if I have two [-]s."

"..." Good question...

Yuan Yuan also thought this question was stupid, "How can there be two twos, there is no one in this world who is as good as you."


The mood of a certain Tong foster husband improved instantly... He was completely healed.

Holding the original wish, he turned over, let the original wish lie on his chest, and continued to ask with great interest, "Any more questions?"

(End of this chapter)

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