my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 252 Natural 2 vs Dumb

Chapter 252 Natural II vs Dumb ([-])

"There are so many every day," Yuan Yuan couldn't remember, so he grabbed his phone and found one, "Well, they also asked what if one day I found a man who is much better than you."

Yuan Yuan was very puzzled, "Is this question encouraging me to beat up the man who is better than you? But you don't want to be number one in the world. If you are better than you, you are better than you. As long as he doesn't bully you, why should I?" Leave him alone."

Completely misunderstood what the netizen meant...

A certain Tong foster husband didn't correct her, and his mood got better and better, and he agreed solemnly, "This question is really strange."

"Yeah, I've watched it for so many days, and the only normal question is what to do if one day you become unattractive."
Yuan Yuan's understanding of this issue is rare to be on the same line of thinking as normal people...

"If you don't look good, you won't look good. Anyway, you are two or two~ Besides, it's ugly when you had chickenpox when you were young."

A Tong Yangfu who doesn’t know what modesty is is disagrees, “I was handsome when I had chickenpox.”

"It's not handsome at all...but it's fun," Yuan Yuan recalled earnestly. "When I saw you every day, I wanted to play whack-a-mole. Wherever a bag bulged, I would smash it~" He continued Made a few hammer swings.

Guan Xingrui asked very calmly, "Why have you never heard of it?"
"Because I later found out that this method is not feasible."
"Because I'm not willing to play [-]."
"Yeah." A certain Tong foster husband nodded in satisfaction. With this sentence, he stopped emphasizing that he was handsome at all times...

Just as she was talking, Yuan Yuan's cell phone rang, and the name of her neighbor Xu Yiran was on the caller ID.

"...Original Wish?" The news of Yuanyuan's kidnapping has not been sent back to the country, and Xu still doesn't know about it, but the voice on the phone is also very embarrassing, "That... I have something to tell you."

"what happened?"

"I took Heng Heng out for a walk these few days, and then it... was pursued by a new little husky in the community." (>﹏<)
Originally wished to go abroad this time and took away all the bodyguards, Qi Xiuyuan also went out with her, there was no other familiar and trusted person in China, so originally wished to send Uncle Hem Hem to the neighbor's house for a few days.

Anyway, Uncle Heheng also likes Ranran very much, the first time he sees Ranran, he is willing to look at her!Hehe, Grandpa's name is still named!
Yuan Yuan felt depressed when she thought of this, but Xu Yiran's words just now made her even more excited, "No, I still want to threaten it with a stern face every day and no future, and it can't find a wife! You must dismantle them first!"

After thinking about it, he said sadly, "But if Uncle Heheng likes it, let's fulfill them first..."

Xu Yiran looked out of the window with an embarrassing face, "Don't break it up, hum it... refuse to pursue it, now the new little husky refuses to go home, Ba refuses to leave outside my house..."

Yuanyuan & Guan Xingrui: "..."

In fact, Xu Yiran thought of a solution, and he called to discuss with Yuan Yuan, "I think... Hum Hem is like my ex-husband... Cough, it's just that Yan Shao is very similar. I want Yan Shao to wear a style similar to Hem Hem's." clothes to go out, to distract that little husky's attention..."

Although this method was dangerously despised by the ex-husband...>﹏<
(End of this chapter)

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