my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 253 Natural 2 vs Dumb

Chapter 253 Natural [-] vs Dumb ([-])

Yuanyuan agreed very much, "Good way!"
Guan Xingrui: "..."

Now he understands why Xinxin got acquainted with the wife of the second youngest of the Yan family so quickly...

Facts have proved that a certain idiot's idea is still very useful... When the famous second young master of the Yan family, Yan Shaoheng, put on a straight face... it was indeed a bit like humming.

Hmm, very similar in spirit.

So after Yan Shaoheng changed into a black half-length windbreaker of the same style as "Hum Heng" and went out for a walk...the little husky was successfully lured home.

Hearing the victory news from China, Yuanyuan felt very happy that she had finally found the correct way to communicate with Uncle Hem.

So I discussed with my foster husband enthusiastically, "Master Humph is very similar to you too! In the future, you will wear the same clothes as it to play with me first. After seeing Uncle Humph, maybe I will learn from you too." !"

The power of example is infinite!
"..." Silently looking at the person in his arms, a certain Tong foster husband said blankly, "Okay."

After discussing this shocking idea, the two went out for a stroll hand in hand.

Of course, the original wish still had to be a little disguised.

Otherwise, although this is a foreign country, you may still meet mainland tourists who come to travel. If you take pictures of them, it will be troublesome.

The two leisurely went out to search for childhood memories. In China, the chain reaction caused by this kidnapping has only just begun.

When the news spread back to China, netizens were all feeling that Yuan Yuan and Qi Xiuyuan were safe and sound, but in a certain villa in City A, Lan Xiaoxiao saw the news, but there was a strange glint in her eyes.

She immediately grabbed her mobile phone and called Lu Xinwei.

Although the two had no personal relationship before and were in the entertainment industry together, she still had a way to get Lu Xinwei's cell phone number.

Of course, after she was hidden in the snow, no one would care about her at all, and this mobile phone number was bought with money.
Lu Xinwei was cut off from her family's source of income, her house, car and valuable jewelry were all confiscated. However, all of her remaining outdoor scenes were with Yuan Yuan's partner. Yuan Yuan was not there, and she didn't have to go to the crew. no……

The money for the three meals in the past few days was borrowed from her manager.

When Lan Xiaoxiao called, she was cursing fiercely and eating her simple dinner, so she answered the phone in a very bad tone.

Lan Xiaoxiao didn't have time to worry about it, and cut straight to the point, her voice trembling with excitement, "I'm Lan Xiaoxiao, can you get the contact information of the leader of the Blue Wolf Gang?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you read the news? Because of this kidnapping incident, the daughter of the Blue Wolf Gang ran away from home, and no one has been found so far."

"What does this have to do with you." Lu Xinwei's tone was full of sarcasm.

She also thinks highly of herself that a small star like Lan Xiaoxiao is not qualified to talk about the housework of a big gang like the Blue Wolf Gang.

idiot!Thinking that others don't know that you are about to be kicked out of the Lu family!She even put on airs like a daughter!
She scolded fiercely in her heart, but in order to get the contact information, Lan Xiaoxiao had no choice but to pretend not to hear her contempt, "Of course it's for revenge!"

Lu Xinwei jumped forward excitedly, "How to revenge, what can you do?"

Lan Xiaoxiao successfully whetted her appetite, and also changed her tone of sarcasm, "Why, Miss Lu can't figure it out? Then hand over the contact information first, and leave this kind of revenge to smart people."

(End of this chapter)

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